Last comments - Magazine scans |
524 views11/04/10 at 15:19Guest_ГоÑÑ‚ÑŒ:
524 views11/04/10 at 11:21Guest_caz: omg this is too gorgeous *passes out *
@feltbeats here is your exclusive Tom Felton cover! Print out and stick on the new issue. Thanks for all the support :) 619 viewscredit: Total Film09/28/10 at 20:17Guest_K$uha: Тому вÑÑ‘ нравитÑÑ Ð² крови Ñ…Ð...
292 viewsGerman BRAVO 200407/06/10 at 10:51Guest_Kathy: this article is hanging on my wall
955 views02/09/10 at 05:22Guest_123: Zac Efron is ugly, and Tom is Beautiful
BRAVO 3 20101166 views02/03/10 at 17:22Guest_Anon: met Jade and she's the sweetest person...reall...
955 views02/03/10 at 04:23Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: Yes, always check out and think twice before give ...
German BRAVO issue 4/2010582 viewsThey love unknown persons!01/20/10 at 06:25Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: True. It's the wisest thing, sometimes: to be ...
BRAVO 3 20101166 views01/19/10 at 05:38Guest_Gwen: isn't that just the cutest thing ever? they ar...
german magazine TWIST 1/2010598 views01/15/10 at 20:10Guest_Anon011: who's emma?
BRAVO 3 20101166 views01/15/10 at 20:09Guest_Anon011: they are so damn cute together
BRAVO 3 20101166 views01/15/10 at 04:21Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: The middle shot chosen is actually the funniest, c...
BRAVO 3 20101166 views01/15/10 at 03:06Guest_Anon: they are adorable together(:
BRAVO 3 20101166 views01/14/10 at 23:38Guest_Gaby: hehehe u guys r silly, they make a lovely couple (...
BRAVO 3 20101166 views01/14/10 at 22:03Guest_Luna: you probably hate her because you can't have h...
BRAVO 3 20101166 views01/14/10 at 20:10Guest_Anon: I doubt you even know her Guest_cat. You can't...
German BRAVO issue 2/2010551 viewsscan from @sabkay01/06/10 at 04:31Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: Faithfulness is one of the qualities I like best i...
Glamour Greece (2009)644 views01/02/10 at 21:57Guest_chandlerkay: i think the 6th harry potter was the best but i li...
BRAVO Magazine 21/09861 viewsCredit: TomFeltonFans_01/02/10 at 21:55Guest_chandlerkay: this would be a fun board game if i could read it ...
german magazine TWIST 1/2010598 views12/31/09 at 10:10Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: "Anna & The King"....Little did I kn...
903 viewsGerman BRAVO issue 46/09 page 112/31/09 at 09:31Guest_fande Dramione: Emma and Tom is the best XD
Reveal magazine July 2009563 viewsphoto by @Elaine_1112/31/09 at 09:30Guest_fande Dramione: Emma and Tom is the best XD
german magazine TWIST 1/2010598 views12/31/09 at 09:29Guest_fande Dramione: Emma and Tom is the best XD
Mizz Magazine November 2009414 viewsscan by @queensarcasm
Thanks!11/28/09 at 04:47Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: This is what I call quite a good shoot!
Het Niewsblad, 2009 601 viewsvia Snitchseeker11/26/09 at 19:41Guest_Sabila: wow, cool
Het Nieuwsblad, 2009536 viewsvia Snitchseeker11/25/09 at 09:09Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: When you're smiling like that, no matter sinc...
J14 Magazine404 viewscredit: @daniebwaters11/24/09 at 15:48Ginevra Riddle: Is good!
612 views11/10/09 at 04:41Guest_pansy:
831 viewsGerman BRAVO issue 46/09 page 211/04/09 at 13:21Guest_Anon: Just can't get enough of Tom... <3 He is s...
831 viewsGerman BRAVO issue 46/09 page 211/04/09 at 11:09Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: Education's everything!!
903 viewsGerman BRAVO issue 46/09 page 111/04/09 at 11:08Guest_Samantha Rosenwood: Thomas, I'm crossing the fingers for your stud...
1411 viewsscanned by @rainey8210/25/09 at 10:37Guest_ГоÑÑ‚ÑŒ: wonderful smile
BRAVO Magazine 38/2009558 views10/21/09 at 15:38Guest_ГоÑÑ‚ÑŒ: still better than anyone!
577 viewsFrom AnÃMarà at tfeltonfan.net10/21/09 at 15:35Guest_ГоÑÑ‚ÑŒ: mmm ... good taste... like me
BRAVO Magazine 21/09 622 viewsCredit: TomFeltonFans_10/21/09 at 15:31Guest_ГоÑÑ‚ÑŒ: remove the first two!
1411 viewsscanned by @rainey8210/17/09 at 17:54Guest_Tyriane: cuteness!
BRAVO Magazine 21/09861 viewsCredit: TomFeltonFans_10/02/09 at 18:48Guest_Felton Fan 101: What Does this mean????????
729 viewsscanned by @rainey8210/02/09 at 13:35Guest_Logan (girl): -raises hand- you didn't terrify me! though i ...
National Geographic Kids598 viewsscan by Snitchseeker10/02/09 at 13:31Guest_Logan (girl): lol dont forget to feed the dog! awesome!
1036 viewsscan by Lilyginny210/02/09 at 13:26Guest_Logan (girl): wow! its amazing how much he grew between CoS and ...
1413 viewsStar Magazine, July 200910/02/09 at 11:11Guest_longing to be-frien: aaaaaaaawwwww! you guys are so lucky! It's so ...
Germany's One Special Magazine 2009710 viewsScan: Estrella89san10/02/09 at 11:05Guest_Logan (girl): wow! it's amazing how we pretty much watched y...
BRAVO magazine issue 33/2009601 viewsscan: Estrella89san10/02/09 at 11:02Guest_Logan (girl): dude! I totally want that poster!!!
BRAVO Magazine 2009702 viewsScan: Estrella89san10/02/09 at 11:01Guest_Logan (girl): that scene almost made me cry! (I don't normal...
Polish BRAVO Magazine932 viewsThanks to A.M. and Vithica10/02/09 at 10:56Guest_Logan (girl): I wish i could read what these magazines said! :c...
BRAVO Magazine 36/2009700 viewsvia Estrella89san10/02/09 at 10:54Guest_Logan (girl): LOVE that pic of you Tom! ^^
Polish BRAVO Magazine660 viewsThanks to A.M. and Vithica10/02/09 at 10:53Guest_Logan (girl): that top top pic of Daniel scares me!
Japan's SCREEN Magazine Oct 2009622 viewsscan: Chinamin10/02/09 at 10:52Guest_Logan (girl): w00t! yeah! Japanese mags! awesome!
Twist Magazine Issue 01/09597 views10/02/09 at 10:51Guest_Logan (girl): yeah! I know! I liked that outfit!! no flop!!
BRAVO Magazine 21/09861 viewsCredit: TomFeltonFans_10/02/09 at 10:43Guest_Logan (girl): That's cool! I wish it was in english though! ...