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3968 viewsKai Z Feng photoshoot01/12/11 at 14:03Guest_emily holloway: that aint mean its ballsy and super sexy

374 views01/03/11 at 14:19misha: No that's not Jade, LOL. It's the TV host.

deleted scene2165 viewssource: SnitchSeeker12/28/10 at 17:16Guest_Sophie: i think im in love with you. will you marry me. on...

London hotel - 10th November 2010614 views12/27/10 at 13:44Guest_sexy queen: Hello Tom ã…Ž_ã…Ž

6424 views12/17/10 at 21:20Guest_jasper: there are not words for how 'dorable this is!!...

Behind the scenes of the movie 13 Hours9149 viewsCredit - Tom12/16/10 at 10:03Guest_Iskra: I heard about this movie. When is release date?

13309 views12/16/10 at 10:00Guest_Iskra: OMG! What the Hell...?

971 viewsScreencap12/13/10 at 10:33Guest_may: I love tom felton

1156 views12/10/10 at 23:16Guest_Holly(:: daw, tom ! too cute, mate. you havent changed much...

Kai Z. Feng6347 views12/09/10 at 16:46Guest_holly: i think i might faint

By Kai Z. Feng7289 views12/09/10 at 16:45Guest_holly: this is the sexyist photo ever!!!!!

2083 views12/09/10 at 14:40Guest_Juice: I put my phone in my mouth all the time also.

Hotel Universal Port in Osaka328 viewscredit: Mr. Will-W. via MiT12/06/10 at 09:38Guest_123: Hottie

1084 views12/04/10 at 13:46Guest_Grace: Go Slytherin!

1084 views12/04/10 at 13:44Guest_Grace: I'd luv tu bein that commen room.

1735 views12/04/10 at 13:41Guest_Grace: This is a cool one!

3968 viewsKai Z Feng photoshoot11/28/10 at 21:48Guest_Tairi&#: Hahahahaha, lol, i love this guy

Feltfan19 wearing the most awesome t-shirt at the Hog's Head Pub 643 viewsCredit: Southernbets11/28/10 at 13:30Guest_feltfan19: Thanks for putting my picture online and I enjo...

235 views11/26/10 at 03:00Guest_sarahi (bathkela): WOW!!! there I am, the one with the guitar LOL! ...

412 views11/25/10 at 20:34Guest_M: This is Tom's current picture in Twitter.

3968 viewsKai Z Feng photoshoot11/25/10 at 03:48Guest_Anon: why is this such a big deal? i think it's hot ...

Tom Felton signs a shirt of a fan454 views11/19/10 at 19:31Guest_Tairi'z: Looool xDDD

6670 views11/19/10 at 09:42Guest_Anon: vibrant

233 views11/16/10 at 10:52Guest_Anon: aaawww. this picture is so cute. harry and draco h...

441 views11/12/10 at 12:20Guest_elin: she looks stunning there

533 views11/12/10 at 00:04Guest_Minnie: They look lovley together and Jade has such a cute...

299 views11/08/10 at 20:40Guest_Minnie: forgot to write: He looks SOOO good with the tan a...

343 viewsscreenshot by Estrella89San11/07/10 at 19:56Guest_Anon: I love how he's staring at her chest here.

527 views11/04/10 at 15:19Guest_ГоÑÑ‚ÑŒ:

527 views11/04/10 at 11:21Guest_caz: omg this is too gorgeous *passes out *

706 views11/01/10 at 10:31Guest_Sally: i love you.

2994 viewsBy Kai Z Feng10/28/10 at 10:04Guest_Alex: HOT !!!

Hot or Not 27205 views10/28/10 at 10:01Guest_Alex: one of the hottest actors

2429 viewsCredit: SixStringProductions10/24/10 at 20:57Guest_Chandler:): Favrotie!

2206 viewsCredit: SixStringProductions10/24/10 at 15:41Guest_Chandler: This s so cute!~ :

4821 views10/24/10 at 09:40Guest_Nicole: this pictures are so hot i love them

9511 views10/24/10 at 09:32Guest_Nicole: ohh i'm sceard

1049 views10/22/10 at 07:25Guest_Anon: Love it!

7931 views10/22/10 at 07:19Guest_Anon: Wow. I hate to sound like an immature school girl,...

2564 viewscredit: Six String Productions10/22/10 at 07:12Guest_Anon: Amazing picture! Such an intense, beautiful gaze. ...

1714 viewsby Chris Floyd10/22/10 at 07:08Guest_Anon: He has such a genuine smile!

2674 viewsEye-Cue Films10/05/10 at 04:24Guest_FeltonAngel: Hehe, god hes hott xD

848 viewsTom Felton aka Draco from Harry Potter gave us some on-set gossip and declared he wouldn't be getting a Christmas tree this year!!
source: at 22:58Guest_emu boots: Perhaps the stars have become accustomed to the pa...

@feltbeats here is your exclusive Tom Felton cover! Print out and stick on the new issue. Thanks for all the support :) 619 viewscredit: Total Film09/28/10 at 20:17Guest_K$uha: Тому вÑÑ‘ нравитÑÑ Ð² крови Ñ…Ð...

By Kai Z. Feng7289 views09/26/10 at 18:27Guest_jasper: i agree with tash

349 viewssource:
credit: Jane Hobson09/26/10 at 18:24Guest_jasper: tom looks amazing and i like the drawimg

6852 viewsCourtesy Drama Magazine09/26/10 at 11:09Guest_Anon:

676 views09/25/10 at 02:49Guest_dancecat: OMG!! He is so freaking cute!!!

2674 viewsEye-Cue Films09/23/10 at 17:18Guest_scorpia: oh god is this cute or what?! =)

1066 viewsCredit Popplewell and I Heart Watson.net08/25/10 at 07:21Guest_Foreex0: What a great website you have
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