Tom Felton has a magical year in 2011

In the latest German BRAVO is a horoscope for the reader of the year 2011. To the horoscope even more interesting, of course, are photos of various stars in it, also a photo of Tom. For him, a magical year is predicted. It doesn’t say much, but it’s positive in any case and only this is important. 🙂

Help Change The Lives Of Children In Zimbabwe! will be holding a Charity Fundraiser in celebration of  Tom Felton’s 10 years playing Slytherin Bad Boy Draco Malfoy. Over the next six months, we will be collecting donations for the newest charity near and dear to Tom’s heart. Inspired by the documentary, “Zimbabwe’s Forgotten Children”  Here’s more info from the filmakers:

Since making the film Zimbabwe’s Forgotten Children – we have been able to help the children featured. But they are among many thousands of children in desperate need of an EDUCATION. For £2.50 per month or £30.00 per year you can pay for a child’s school fees for an entire year in Zimbabwe.

Tom has put out the plea for fans of his to help take these children out of the work force and into the classroom. This is where you come in.

After more than a decade of portraying the Slytherin Ice Prince on the big screen, Tom Felton will give his final performance as his alter ego, Draco Malfoy, in July 2011 when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II arrives in theaters around the globe.  As a thank you to Tom, and a proper send-off of Draco, we at are conducting a fundraiser for one of Tom’s favorite charities, Zimbabwe’s Forgotten Children.

 Each month, we will be collecting donations at . Just Giving is a non-profit agency that collects donations and submits them directly to the charity every 25 days. On the 5th of each month, will draw names from the doners the previous month to win special related goodies, culminating with the final draw on Draco Malfoy’s 31st Birthday! In July, members will be in London  presenting a celebratory check to the Zimbabwechildren.orgs offices listing the total raised for this life changing charity. When thinking of donating this holiday season, and beyond,  please keep the children of Zimbabwe in your hearts.

Tom Felton’s Appeal for Zimbabwe’s Children

At a recent screening of Tom’s latest Harry Potter adventure, there was shown beforehand the poignant documentary Zimbabwe’s Children. Watch as Tom humbly realizes that the life of millions of children such as those in the film is without hope of an education, decent jobs, or a rise out of poverty as he beseeches the audience to help these children receive an education and childhood of their own.

Besides opening your pocketbooks with as little as 30 pounds a year to help take a child out of the work force and into a classroom where they belong, you too can host your own fundraiser screening of this film. Education is something many people take for granted, but for those in many areas of the world, only a dream never to be attained. Help them achieve their dreams.

ZFC Fundraiser with Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) from True Vision on Vimeo.