Rumor: Tom Felton to Appear at Magic Christmas in Paris on 18 December has issued a video today stating that Tom will be appearing this coming 18 December at the Magic Christmas convention in Paris, France.  Thanks to anabel100 who answered my call for a quick translation, we learn that the convention will be held at Maison Internationale à Paris, and Tom is scheduled to appear along-side the French actors voicing the parts of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Harry Potter films. According to their forums, Tom is scheduled to be in attendance for two separate sessions that day.

Be aware that this event is still months and months away, and Tom’s filming schedule may prevent him from attending at any time. As soon as a firm confirmation of his appearance is made closer to the event, we will let you know.

Annonce du premier invité de Magic Christmas
Uploaded by Spotlight-events. – Independent web videos.

8 thoughts on “Rumor: Tom Felton to Appear at Magic Christmas in Paris on 18 December

  1. This would be just great, if Thomas’s schedule won’t be getting in the way, and that he could give a firm confirmation that he is going or not, and that it could eventually give me a chance to spend the Chritmas holidays with my Granny at the same time!

    Maison Internationale, you’re saying? Ok, will check that as soon we’ll be fixed. It’s between God’s hands.

    With Love,


  2. Actually the contract was signed yesterday so it’s 99% sure that Tom will be there !

    Know that we are here to answer your questions, you can write us to

    We will reply as soon as possible (in the day for sure).

    Thanks for your support, we hope we will see you !

    Yoone (Hajar ERGUIG, admin of the Spotlight Events’ website)

  3. Thank you, Yoone, but it’s that 1% we’re worried about. 🙂 His filming schedule has required him to cancel scheduled events in the past, and since this is still many, many months away, until we hear a firm confirmation from his lips, we will err on the side of caution. Hope he can make it, though!

    LOL I’d love to make it, too, but alas, those 6 time zones and that really big pond may prevent it. I can’t swim. 😉

  4. Yeah I agree, 1% is 1%. But heh, as we say in france.. Keep your fingers crossed !! LOL

    Oh, but you have to come !! I am sure youd love it and I’d be glad to meet you ! :p :p

  5. @feltbeats Tom should come to Mugglenet Mayhem we have a gr8 time he would love it they we are hoping he will come only trouble its in Nov.

  6. Hello, I’m french and I will go to the “Magic Chritmas convention”. I’m friend with members of staff. (but shhhhhht XD)

    It’s official, Tom Felton comes! But only 18th December. And it’s 100% sure 😉

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