Photos of Tom Felton on Day 3 of RingCon

Tom Felton has now returned from his trip to Germany, where he met tons of fans and had a great time!

As usual, Felton fans bestowed upon him many presents for which he said he was very grateful.

Thanks again to @Estrella89San who has provided us with all of these great photos! She will have a full report when she gets home.

And, we also have another fan-uploaded YouTube videos.This is Tom meeting a fan named April. She gives him a Dutch gift.

13 thoughts on “Photos of Tom Felton on Day 3 of RingCon

  1. Not to sound mean or anything like that but the more I see of Tom in pictures and these videos, I feel worried for him. Tom’s aura shows to me of loneliness and being miserible. I know I have a good idea why but I’m not going to say. I just hope he can figure it out how to fix this problem. The more he keeps avoiding it, the more it’s going to get worse. I think I have EVERY right to state this because it effects me too. That you’ll have to figure out yourself. I just want Tom to be happy cause whatever he’s feeling I’m feeling it too and you have no idea how it flects on me like a chain reaction. Its been going on for a long time now. GOD, I hope Tom stops and fixes this problem soon. Anyways… other than that, I am glad Tom and his fans had a great weekend together. Tom really IS a sweet and a great guy inside and out. Not many people can see what I see but I can see right through him. Tom’s intentions are great. Unlike someone else I can see through but anyways. I know I shouldn’t worry cause I know deep down inside of me, Tom will fix this issue. And I will continue to pray for him. GOD is where the answer is. GOD IS the answer. <3 🙂

    P.S. I hope u don't take what I say wrong because I'm just stating the truth. I hope u don't delete my comment. Thanx…..

    P.S.S Just because someone seems like they are okay doesn't mean they are. And you got to remember there are great actors out there who hide what they really feel on the outside. Goodnight. XXX

  2. What a very odd thing to say! Obviously none of us know exactly what Tom is thinking or feeling- but he seemed to be genuinely happy to be at Ringcon and meeting his fans ( he stated that he does these conferences because he realizes just how important the fans are to his success and the success of Harry Potter.)
    He came across as a humble individual who could not understand quite why he has such a huge fan base, but is grateful for it none the less. He was very gracious and very friendly. He was understandably tired looking after a long weekend of signing autographs, posing for photos and answering questions and I hope he gets a chance to have a well deserved rest!
    And when I saw him with Jade they seemed very happy together and he mentioned in the panel that his beautiful girlfriend is the inspiration for his songs.

  3. Jeez and all I wanted to mention was that he seemed to have the same clothes on all 3 days. Silly me!

  4. I’m not going to arguing with that. I guess after much thought. I guess I shouldn’t have posted that. And NO it’s not an odd thing to say. U may not be open to what I am saying but I am. Alot of people are blind to see whats out there to know the real truth and all I have to say: Just don’t assume of what someone says. And by the way I’m not talking about Tom and his fans or anything like that. I was talking about what I see when I look at him. I wouldn’t ever expect you to understand what I am saying. Now if feltbeats comes along and wants to delete my comment they can. The both of them. Fine. Silly me to think of writing stuff like this. Whatever……. Hope everyone has a great day and I mean it! 🙂

  5. No, I am not looking for an argument either, but I stand by my comment that, and I quote:

    The more he keeps avoiding it, the more it’s going to get worse. I think I have EVERY right to state this because it effects me too. That you’ll have to figure out yourself. I just want Tom to be happy cause whatever he’s feeling I’m feeling it too and you have no idea how it flects on me like a chain reaction.”

    is very odd. As none of us are omnipotent all we can hope is that Tom is happy for Tom and his friends and family-it is not his responsibility to make his fans happy, that is up to us.

    Anyway, I do agree that you are right and this is not the place to be posting this-perhaps it is best deleted mods.

    All the best.

  6. His outfit on Friday was different! And to the best of my knowledge he did not smell!

  7. Right! And I will always stand by mine. Thats why people are allowed to have their own opinions on the matter. Thanx…

  8. Dear Felbeats,

    Please delete my comments. Because my opinions doesn’t matter at all. Thanks and no hard feelings.. I do love your site. Next time I will keep my mouth shut. 🙂

  9. No matter what is your opinion the way you give up so easily on it just scares me…says so much about you, x

  10. I know!! I’ve been thinking about that and I don’t want my comment deleted now… Sorry… Soooo many negative feedbacks… And YES!!! I will ALWAYS feel this way about Tom! I can’t help it. Soooo there!

  11. I did not say anywhere in my comment that he smelled only that it looked to me like he had the same clothes on for all three days, lighten up!

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