Tonight continues our two-part interview with Johnny Kevorkian, Director of “The Disappeared.” Part One of the interview can be viewed here.

Johnny K.
Feltbeats: is a fan site dedicated to promoting Tom Felton’s music, as such, I must ask – Did you know Tom is musically talented? Did he ever have his guitar on set, or mention it at all?
Johnny Kevorkian: I knew about Tom playing music, but unfortunately I didn’t hear anything on set. I looked at the YouTube clip and he’s good!
FB: Okay, back to the movie! What was the process like to obtain Tom as an actor?
JK: Matt’s role was already cast when Tom came along for Simon. At first I didn’t recognize [Tom], his hair was really short so it took me a bit realize who he was!
When Tom read I knew I had found my Simon instantly – so we approached his agent immediately and made the offer and he accepted. We were very lucky to get Tom. He was perfect for Simon and exactly how I envisioned Simon would play the role.

FB: Describe what it was like working with Tom?
JK: It was an immense pleasure to work with Tom – he’s not hard work at all and absolutely no ego – just a really genuine guy who is super talented. We have been talking about working together again in the future, both of us are very keen on the idea.
If I can remember correctly Tom was scheduled for filming for just over two weeks. The film’s total schedule was just over four weeks around various locations in London.
Tom was great. When we were shooting around the estate in South London, some of the local kids found out that Malfoy was making another movie there, so we would have all these kids turn up to see Tom in action. Some of the kids would come over to me and ask if Tom didn’t mind signing his autograph or having a photo taken with him, and when I asked Tom he was always happy to oblige. I really think that it did give such a boost to these kids as a lot of them are less privileged and it really made their day.
It was a good relaxed set, despite the demanding schedule and tough locations. People did enjoy themselves and Tom had a very calm and professional attitude the whole time during filming.
FB: What requirements, if any, did you have in regards to Tom’s appearance or speech – like his hair or his accent? Some fans have noticed that Tom’s nails are pretty long in the movie (there is a closeup of his hand in the trailer) – does that have something to do with the movie or are they just like that? =)
JK: In terms of Simon’s look, well as I said before he came in with the short hair and it looked perfect for the look of Simon, so we agreed to keep that look. For the way Simon speaks, I really didn’t want Tom to put on some sort of South London accent, so we agreed to keep his accent neutral.
In terms of the nails, they were all Tom’s – not my doing!

FB: How much screen time does Tom get in the movie?
JK: He is in the movie quite a bit.
FB: Tell us what you think of Tom’s acting in The Disappeared?
JK: I thought that Tom’s acting was exceptional – otherwise I wouldn’t have cast him, Malfoy or not. There were quite a few demanding scenes and Tom delivered each and every time. That’s why I will work with him again and we have also become good friends now.

FB: What was the relationship like between Tom and Harry Treadaway?
JK: Tom and Harry got on extremely well which was great for their roles and it does really show onscreen. I believe that they are good friends now and hang out together.
FB: What are the next steps for the movie?
JK: The plan is for a release in theatres in the UK and Europe, no dates as yet as we are working out the details now but I will keep you posted.
FB: has had lots of questions from US fans about a possible release in the US. Any chances for that?
JK: I would definitely love to see The Disappeared in theatres in the US.

FB: Is there anything fans can do to help spread the word about this movie?
JK: The more fans can spread the word about the film and talk about it and really create a buzz, the better. The buzz is beginning now and more and more people are hearing about the project and wanting to see it – so it has started, but we can increase that. A lot of studios and distributors always surf the fan based sites and blogs etc. that promote films and they take note of films being discussed and highly anticipated ones like this one. So lets really make them aware of “The Disappeared” in the US and throughout the world.
I’m sure Tom will be grateful for this! would like to thank Director Johnny Kevorkian for his interview. We’re all holding our breath to see the movie! asks Felton Fans to look at the following sites to help spread the word about the movie:
Also, discuss “The Disappeared” on imdb –
Lastly, as a reminder, here is the press release about the UK premiere. If any Felton Fans get to go – please e-mail us with your experience and any pictures you get!
“The Disappeared” will have it’s UK premiere at the Film4 FrightFest, held at the Odeon West End, Leicester Square. It will be screened on (Bank Holiday) Monday 25th August at 3.40pm. It will be a great opportunity to see the film on the Big Screen and we would be delighted to see you there.
Tickets are £10 each and you can book by going onto the FrightFest website and clicking on the link to the Odeon website under ‘FrightFest Tickets’.
The festival website is:
In the meantime if you want to see more about the film you can watch the teaser trailer on the FrightFest website or the movie’s own website
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Johnny K doesn’t look too bad either..
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The long nails thing is probably because of his guitar playing.