Tom Felton has been extremely busy recently – from SoccerAid and Celebrity Adrenaline Junkie, to “Half-Blood Prince” and “The Disappeared.” He’s really kept us admins at on our toes trying to cover his many projects! So, to help us out, Tom agreed to give us a ring and discuss what he’s been up to and to answer a few questions for us.
This interview is the first part in a series of four, and we’ll post parts each Monday leading up to Tom’s appearance on “Jack Osbourne: Celebrity Adrenaline Junkie” on Wednesday, Nov. 12.
A FEW NOTES: Because also had a question or two for her, Tom asked his girlfriend Jade, the assistant to the stunt coordinator on Harry Potter films (in addition to many other films in the industry), to be on speakerphone with him as well.
And, several times throughout the interview Tom refers to America or asks me about the States because that’s where I live. 🙂 There are lots of sites out there claiming to be run by or owned by Tom Felton. Other than your Feltbeats YouTube account, do you have any MySpace accounts, Bebo accounts, or Web sites that you run? Is yours?
Tom: The YouTube account, that’s the only one that I myself actually check. None of the MySpace accounts are me. I haven’t set up any other Web sites. You know I own, but nothing is happening there.
But other than that, I put the videos on YouTube, and I do actually check it to make sure it’s all right or whatever. But I haven’t really touched it in a few months. Do you do all the videos yourself?
Tom: Yeah, literally. The three videos – is it three videos or two? Yep, three.
Tom: (Laughs) Yeah, three videos. I had like some pocket digital camera… it was a very, very quick and easy sort of thing. I just made it black and white ’cause it didn’t look so bad. Then I put like an old-time effect so, again, it didn’t look so bad. (Laughs)
Click below to listen to audio of Tom Felton discussing his YouTube videos.
[audio:videos.mp3] Also, for the record, does your girlfriend, Jade, have a YouTube account?
Tom: No, that’s not Jade. She has no YouTube or MySpace accounts. So for MySpace, you can mark us both off for that. When you do start an official site – such as a Music MySpace – in the future, will you please let us know at so that we can announce it?
Tom: Yes, we’re talking about a Music MySpace account as we speak, so, hopefully in the next couple of months, if we could get that up; obviously it would be brilliant if we could launch it through So… Timber!
Tom: Timber…! All Tom Felton fans love your dog Timber! Can you tell us a little bit about her? Did you get her as a puppy?
Tom: I love that people have taken an interest in Timber! [Other than Jade,] Timber is the only other girl in my life. Yeah, she’s nearly two years old. She has the same birthday as me, but it’s a month later, obviously – 22nd of October. So, she’s got a birthday coming up soon, and that’s great. I’m really looking forward to that.
I got her as a puppy when she was eleven weeks old. She’s a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. I think they’re pretty common in America, am I right? Yeah, yeah.
Tom: They’re pretty rare over here. They’re not really seen. But she is a working dog as well. I’m trying to train her up so she’s good at retrieving. She’s still a puppy at the moment, but we’re getting there. But she’s been an absolute joy over the last couple of years and certainly one of my best friends.
NOTE: Timber fans can express themselves with our Timber avatar, available here.
Click below to listen to audio of Tom Felton discussing his dog, Timber.
[audio:timber.mp3] We’d love to know a little bit more about Feltbeats! Does anyone help you with it?
Tom: Not really, no. My team consists of me and Jade. All the songs – they’re not even really finished songs, if you will, they’re just sort of ideas.
When the YouTube videos sort of started taking off, I used to look at every positive comment and felt really touched that A) all these people had listened to it but B) most of the comments sounded genuine, and there weren’t really that many negatives. So that sort of spurred me to write a few more and to put them on and make them available in any way I knew – through the web site, and through iTunes. And there’s nobody else… No Daniel Radcliffe singing backup?
Tom: (Laughs) Yeah, Dan Radcliffe does my backup vocals! No, he doesn’t, he doesn’t. I’m joking. I’m joking. Any guitar or bass or drums or vocals – it is all me. I don’t know if I should boast about that, or if I should keep quiet! would like to thank Tom Felton for taking time (and it was a long while, actually!) to talk to us. We are eternally grateful, appreciative, pleased, and whatever other synonyms there are for “thankful.”
And, for the record, I’m sure we’d all agree that he should definitely boast about his musical talents. 🙂
COMING NEXT WEEK: We discuss “The Disappeared,” “Emma of Lulworth Cove” and kissing. 🙂
Thank you soooo much for posting this!
lol, i love him, he’s so funny 😀
I’m glad he finally cleared the myspace thing up.
Can’t wait for the next one! 🙂
Oh!! Thank you both! The interviewer and Tom. Rreally, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
It’s great to know about him, such a mistery boy :P!
yay! its finally here! i live in australia and i’ve been refreshing this page every so often since 8am.. i was a tad excited – as we all would be.
thanks for posting the audio clips! good inerview btw 🙂
I knew it! I was listening to his stuff on the drive home from work in anticipation of reading this interview, and I thought that sounded like him singing backup to himself on at least a couple of them. And since I got to listen to the whole works twice, I had it completely in my head. Yeah!
Thanks, Misha!
I was sure it was him on a few songs (a few of them are obvious) but like “In My Arms” doesn’t sound like him doing backup at all. I guess he’s using his raspy voice. 😉
I feel terrible though that he mentioned that he played the drums in his songs and I didn’t follow up on it. So far none of his songs have had drums! So does that mean he was referencing songs we haven’t heard yet? And hello! He can play the drums too!? GAH I want to know. 🙂
That was a great interview. So worth the wait. Drums? Does that mean he’ll do some more upbeat songs?
Congratulations on the interview.
I’m feeling quite giddy just listening to him.
Can’t wait for the next installment. Thank you so much.
Thanks to Misha for doing this great interview (and including the audio clips) and thanks to Tom for taking the time to answer questions from FeltFans.
its just lovely, i want the same kind of dog that is Timber, she is beatiful, and she only have 2 years old, wow, she is big, hahha
really lovely,
i want a pocket camera, i have one but its stick in the labtop
Ohhh thank you!!!!
I love it!!!!!!!
Tom is so sweet!!! he was very lovely! answering everything! his voice! i love hear him!
Timber! i love her!! I always wanted a those dogs! and then I found out that he has ine! they are amazing!
can’t wait till next monday!
Thank you both!!!
Pingback: Interview With Tom Felton (Part 1) | Tom Felton Music
Awesome interview.
Awesome 🙂 x
Thank you soooooo much!!!
Can I translate all of this interview for our friends and place it in our site?
Of course I’m sure I’ll always put credit to
Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!! 😀 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU x 1000000000000000000000000000000000 and more (: Tomber i so cuuuuute dog! I want Chesapeake Bay Retriever
lovely voice! i want moreee! 😀
Thank yooooooooou so much for a great interview with Tom.
Timber you are sooo lucky to belong to Tom.
Happy Birthday to you for tomorrow My Bichon Sophie would love you Like I love your fantastic owner Tom you are both gorgeous.
why must you be adorable Tom.
great actor and talented in so many ways. can’t help but admire him.
Oh wow! Thank you soooooo much. I can’t wait for the rest! Sophie Xx
Tom Felton is a star for doing that. It’s not often you hear that stars are giving up their time to do interviews.
Tom Felton you rock! for getting the interview, you rock too!
Pingback: Tom Felton Habla de su Música en Primera Parte de Nueva Entrevista con ‘FeltBeats’ | Blog Hogwarts
ohh my freakin lord!! i want more audio clips…!!! its awesome!!! i almost die hearing his lovely voice!!( literally)
TOM FELTOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! 😛
TOM I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Don’t worry; there will be more! Next week I should hopefully have an audio clip of him talking about kissing in “Emma of Lulworth Cove.” He sounds very appropriately embarrassed and uncomfortable, LOL. (Sorry, Tom!)
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OMG ! ;D ,,
I love it ♥
T H A N K Y O U so much ñ__ñ
Hey I’m glad he has cleared the myspace thing to its cleared up a few things tha have happenrd to me . I just love the guy.
Hey misha I guess you haven’t seen the pic of him on the drums then. I’ve got one. ❗
Thank you very much for the interview, Tom! We are very gossip, so we LOVE and NEED to know as much as we can about you! 😆
Love you 😀
that was awesome!!! i am so looking forward to next week. yeah tom felton rocks! i’m sorry, had a moment.
do you really? i’d like to see it please if possible.
We try to stick to public pictures, or official pictures on this site (unless expressed permission has been given) so please keep private pictures as they’re meant to be: private. 🙂
*sigh* i have to admit tom really has it all,
charms, talent and lots of fans…
i myself is a tom felton fan…
i swear if i didn’t have a boyfriend i’d devote my whole life to adoring tom now he’s gone i think i might just do it…
he’s one of a kind guy…
for the past months tom has been my inspiration to writing songs for my band but right now i’m having a hard time writing any…
my boyfriend(our base guitarist) broke up w/ me…
i find it hard to find a replacementand to write songs…
i hope tom writes more songs…
yeah tom you ROCK!!!
That was an awesome interview. Gosh. I’m so glad this website exists. It has made one of the worst years of my life bearable.
Thank you all at for all the hard work you do, and I thank God for making me have a soft spot for Tom Felton. He’s such a sweet chap.
Yeah I think the photo you’re talking about is in our photo gallery. Other photos -> Bookham Youth Centre 2008.
But that doesn’t mean he’s any good at playing them! And even if he’s good at playing them (which, of course, I’m sure he is!), they haven’t been in his songs yet, so that’s exciting!
So I definately don’t really know what to say. I’ve been in love with this guy since he first appeared in Harry Potter and the Sorcerors stone. Well that’s not where he started, but he was a little too young in Anna and the King for me to go ga-ga eyed. I’m sure every girl out there secretly hoped to meet him and have him fall in love with her. I’m sad to say I had no idea he had a girlfriend and it breaks me heart. I’m to the point that I don’t even want to watch his upcoming movies. Then I found this site and heard him sing. Talk about amazing. I’m torn between wanting to ignore him and love him all over again. 😥
Well, just think about it this way… if you care about him, then you’d want him to be happy, right? And I can tell you that his girlfriend is absolutely adorable and really makes him happy. So be happy! 🙂
I can’t wait for more of this. Reading the part about timber I can see how much he really does love her. And who woundn’t Timber is so cute!
Pingback: » The Ultimate Fan Interview (Part Two): interviews Tom Felton - Everything about Feltbeats and Tom Felton's music: Videos, lyrics, photos, icons, forum, more!
Thank you for publishing this excellent interview – I came here via and I’ve now been instantly hooked on Tom Felton’s music. At this moment happily listening to my latest purchases from itunes 🙂
He acts, he fishes, he loves his girlfriend, his dog and he sings too. Quite the young renaissance man.
I’ve been wanting to say this somewhere I knew Tom would read it for ages ages and I’ve finally got the chance. Thank you for playing Draco Malfoy and for doing it the way you do. It’s one thing to look the part but it’s another to play effortless evil (especially the comedy bits) when it’s so obviously the complete antithesis of your personality. You do a spot on, bang up job playing Malfoy and it’s a joy to watch. My daughter wants to act and she watches a lot of your performances for mannerisms and such. You’re a stellar actor, just thought you should have one more fan’s opinion.
/fan girl rant
Pingback: » The Ultimate Fan Interview (Part Three): interviews Tom Felton - Everything about Feltbeats and Tom Felton's music: Videos, lyrics, photos, icons, forum, more!
i don’t get it so this site is made by whom? fans of tom felton? sorry i don’t know, i’m just new here in this site,, But i’m a big fan of tom felton.. love his silhouette in the sunset 😀
Pingback: » The Ultimate Fan Interview (Part Four): interviews Tom Felton - Everything about Feltbeats and Tom Felton's music: Videos, lyrics, photos, icons, forum, more!
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Tom Felton is the hottest guy in the cast of Harry Potter!
haha, tom’s such a funny guy 🙂
and yes, he has every right to boast about his musical talents 🙂
yes indeed, thanks for posting this interview. funny thing actually, tom’s birthday is the same as my brother (who has passed away). and strangely enough, my mum’s birthday is on october 22nd! haha funny coincidence. the interview is great. i think i speak for every single fan that we’re jealous as hell that we didnt spoke to him on the phone:P hahaha
anyways, his music is great, and so is he+this site
Love this interview, thanks so much for posting it and I love how he does it all by himself! Talk about hardworking! I mean IDK if I could do it all alone, maybe if he helped me =)
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Tom Felton is THE BEST acter I’ve ever know !!!
(I’m from Russia and speak english bad but…)…I love you very much.
Does Tom actually ever check out this website
Does Tom actaully ever check out
Thanks for posting this! 🙂
You know where he says he doesn’t have any other account things, I’m following him on Twitter. So does this mean the twitter I’m following isn’t the real Tom or did he just forget to mention that? 🙂
It might be wierd but I love to listen to his voice outside Harry Potter..I don’t know it feels…familiar!
I’m the wickest girl in the whole planet
! so cool! still in love with you, Tom! you are soo amazing! and this interview was really cool-isnt there a song with a girl back up vocals? is it Jade?? the song is Convinced and i think its a newer song and this interviw was like two years ago…haha i love you, Tom ttyl definaletly!
with TONS of Luv,
you biggest fan (mabe equal with Jade), Mkay <3
I am pretty sure that is his actual twitter ;). Maybe this interview was done before he made it.
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