New fan video of Tom Felton signing autographs at Collectormania 15

Our intrepid internet reporter Estrella89San has found this new YouTube video of Tom Felton at Collectormania 15:

Tom is at the very end, at about the 7:15 mark.

Plus, Estrella89San has given us more from Paris:

Tom is at 0:31-0:35 and 1:16-2:01.

Tom is at 0:22-1:01.

Thanks again Estrella89San!

7 thoughts on “New fan video of Tom Felton signing autographs at Collectormania 15

  1. How cool and chilled are they all??!!! Awww theres never anything like that near me…. damn you Portsmouth :/

  2. “Our intrepid internet reporter” 😆

    Thank you for this name ! 😉

  3. Thank you for getting and sharing all these TF goodies. It’s lovely to see him promoting Draco. The movie is almost here and I intend to go opening day or night as it may well be.

    Thanks again!

  4. The Collectormania one’s a true gem, wish the same thing could be done at a Japan Expo, in a year or so, since the last time I attended one of these was back in 2004. I liked very much the second one, it should be featured in all theatres, even after the tour!

    With Love,


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