A few new photos of Tom from last weekend’s Dragon*Con have surfaced. Check out the galleries to see the rest.

Thanks to TomFeltonFans_ and Southernbets for sending them in!
A few new photos of Tom from last weekend’s Dragon*Con have surfaced. Check out the galleries to see the rest.
Thanks to TomFeltonFans_ and Southernbets for sending them in!
Someone has “The Monster Book of Monsters?!!!!” HAHAHA, that’s really awesome. I wonder if they only let Death Eaters sign it. Hehehe… I’m being so lame right now. Thanks for the pics. 🙂
ahahaha some of them are very funny,, feltbeats you are awesome (:
no more words left to say..an xtrmly good looking man with a beautiful smile and a sweet personality that shows…cute..sweet..squishable etc etc etc etc
squishable… can’t be truer.. <3
So hot hot hot! But he needs to be muscular like Potter is!
He is! You don’t see those muscles? :O
You are so attractive and sexy
and you really turn a girl on!!:):):):)
You make a girl’s heart rush like crazy!!:):):):)
When he smiles so happily, I just know it’s been a good day,and that many more are to come!
With Love,
Тома любят и в России)))
He does! HAHA! I just wish he had more beef. But he’s perfect even now.LOL
Том, приезжай к нам в Россию!!!!!!!!! :-))
God, I am fainting in his gorgeous eyes!