Thanks to @anastasia_snape, and “dannyradcliffe06uk,” we’ve found this great video of Tom Felton as “James” in the 1998 episode of the TV series, “Bugs.” In this episode, called “Pandora’s Box,” he plays the boy who finds an “infected sword.” More screencaps here.

As a side note, to explain why there was an infected sword, here is the episode summary:
A scholar seeks to prove his theory that a toxic waste dump was constructed over the tomb of King Arthur. In his haste to unearth the site, he releases a deadly bacterial plague that starts to kill again.
Ah, that makes perfect sense!
Thanks again: @anastasia_snape, and “dannyradcliffe06uk“
Awwwww CUTE!!!
Aww how cute!
Little innocent Tom 😀
Xx <3
He’s so wee! Lol. Adorable.
OMG! So freaking cute!!!! Adorable!!!
I doubt Tom has a copy of this episode with him.. Or has he?? I bet he’s as thrill as us to watch this vid! Lol
How cute is that? “Perfect for my project,” he says, I guess he did ot have a death scene! Sword in hand sitting on a hobby horse in the playground. LOL –
OMG! He’s so adorable! I just want to hug him and squeeze him all day. X3
My mother loved to watch “Bugs”, and I indeed recall watching it with her. Now, that’s funny I didn’t pay attention to that, since it’s been reran on the cable recently, nor cared to have a better look either…
With Love,
kyaaaaaaaaa sooooooooo cuteee~~~ *pinch Tom’s cheek* xDDDD
adorable! lol 🙂
OMG! That was so cute!
Ohmygod, he’s so cute! ^^
Том -супер!!!!!!!!!
God, that’s so cute!
But don’t you think he looks like 5 and not like 10? 😉
ohh so adorable ;D
really cute (:
OMG,sooooo cute!!!!
AWWW thats so cute i didbt get it so much or maybe i was distracted by tom’s ten year old cuteness aww he was so little 🙂
he’s soooo cute! haha! i’m around the age of 5 while this is being showed! :))
OMG he is like the cutiest little guy ever
How cute isn’t he???!!
well i think he is still cute. and it would be cool to meet him some day.i’m a big fan of harry potter and hes my favorite actor in the movie along with emma watson.