Thanks to Southernbets and Estrella89san for sending in a bunch of new photos with Tom from Dragon*Con. There’s plenty more where these came from so head on over to the photo gallery to check out the rest.

Thanks to Southernbets and Estrella89san for sending in a bunch of new photos with Tom from Dragon*Con. There’s plenty more where these came from so head on over to the photo gallery to check out the rest.
The fourth one down looks like he’s looking right at us 🙂
🙂 love him!
Why can’t he do m&g in England always America 🙁
Still and always will loce you Tom 🙂
<3 xx
Meant love typing on my phone is not that great XD haha
I didn’t,but it’s very tempting.
the 2nd to last pic…he is so adorable and the last one..he looks happy and tiny….so sweet…
I love the 4th one too cute, he looks completely at ease
He always looks at people as if he were in love, be it a reporter or a fan. Has anyone noticed?
There is no point asking me about the pictures BECAUSE I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!
Pet the screen? No, i just sit here stunned and drool on the keypad…
Thanks for sharing guys. I’m a kind to like the fourth and fifth ones better. For I love when he’s resting his chin into his hand, he is plugged, so to speak, while when his as he’s smiling along Southernbets as his, you tell he’s having a good time! And that’s what I like to know best, you know?
With Love,
When he’s s smiling as he’s smiling along Southernbets as he is, I meant, sorry.
With Love,
he’s too adorable~~ >_______<
*pets my laptop screen readin* Please don’t…. (falls asleep)… New photos of Tom Felton and Dragon*Con. Oh yay!! I love the pics, they are awesome! Love love love the first one!
adorable adorable.. What else can we say! He’s too cute for words! <3
Darling,you are so sexy and handsome and you really make my heart rush faster than it really should be normally beating!
I know.. it’s my favourite.. he’s so hot when he smiles! 😛
I forgot to add that the 4th is best 🙂 which is what I meant.
awww!! i love the 4th one!! so cute!! -smiles and claps hands rapidly like the fan girl she is- LOL amazing pics!!