Thanks to TomFeltonEU, we have this new poll from German BRAVO! They ask: Which hair color of Tom Felton do you like most – brown or blonde?
As of the writing of this article, users were voting for Malfoy-blonde at a ratio of 2 to 1!
Do you agree? Go ahead and post your vote at Bravo, and then tell us which way you voted, and why, in the comments below! =)
[New Post] Which hair color suits @TomFelton best, asks @bravomagazin!…
@feltbeats Both!! He looks great either way.
RT @feltbeats: [New Post] Which hair color suits @TomFelton best, asks @bravomagazin!…
@feltbeats Hey, just wanted to let you know that the HP marathon starts tonight, with sneak peaks of the Deathly Hallows!
RT @feltbeats: [New Post] Which hair color suits @TomFelton best, asks @bravomagazin!…
the white blonde hair!!!! <3
Oh, I like the more natural brown, although I think his “really real” color is actually darker. He is very pale, but the brown makes him look more natural and his eyes bluer.
RT @feltbeats: [New Post] Which hair color suits @TomFelton best, asks @bravomagazin!…
I think he looks good either way, but I’m more used to him with his Draco-blonde hair 🙂
I voted that I like both looks 🙂
The brown looks good, but the blonde is something special, I think ^^
I couldn’t agree more!!
Brown is better! No doubts! )))
more natural (especially with his dark eyebrows ))), more bright image!
I’m definitely going for the brown hair! It feels more “Tom” than the blond hair, which is more “Draco” trademark.NA!
With Love,
RT @feltbeats: [New Post] Which hair color suits @TomFelton best, asks @bravomagazin!…
Brown, brown, brown! I’ve been waiting to see it come back out for ages!
the brown makes him look younger (no offense if there was any!!!), and does bring out his eyes :]
I think it depends on the style and cut. Longer hair–definitely brown, shorter hair like it is then blonde. But either way he still looks great!
i voted for brown hair 🙂
i have always liked his brown hair better, ever since i saw it 🙂
I’m leaning toward the blond hair :)) its unique, charismatic (? Can hair be described this way? Haha ) and not to mention SEXY :)) hmm. You know I never realised that he had brown eye brows. Haha. But I still think blonde and short does it for me. Haha.
I third that.
Hmmm… I feel like I should pick the brown, but that picture of him with the blonde is just so adorable!!
I like his real color.
I wonder why not all people know about his visit to Indonesia.
We married when he was still 19 years old and I was 22.
I met him when he was blonde. I like it.
But I felt whirl if his hairs were black. That made him almost look like my first husband.
Blonde is my favorite.
I think blonde 🙂 xx tom felton really suits blonde and he looks adorable! i really like brown too as its nice and natural but i love it blonde xx
He looks a bit happier as blonde, don’t you think? Or is that just me ;P
His natural hair is really dark blond, as far as I can tell from pictures, or some odd shade of brown that is darker. The dark hair does make his eyes pop out more, I like it.
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definitely blonde, but that just be cos that what I’m used to
I personally think longer blonde hair frames his face better and really brings out those gorgeous eyes. Brown is cute, but blonde is sexy.
It makes him look more mature. But no matter what i think everyone will love him just the same<3
he looks great both ways
Blond Blond Blond!!! He Looks Cute That Way!!!
I love his natural hair color! It is my favorite hair/eye color combination!
Loving the darker hair!