Tom Felton Talks Fashion with Christian Siriano

Tom had the opportunity to talk with my favorite Project Runway winner, Christian Siriano, at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards. While I have no idea who the designer is that designed Tom’s jacket (that’s okay, Christian didn’t know him either), Tom freely admitted his personal sense of style – throwing something together until someone says otherwise.

I’m not surprised. 😉

12 thoughts on “Tom Felton Talks Fashion with Christian Siriano

  1. @feltbeats we cant watch it only U.S.A people can the video is not available in my region!! can u find a video somewhere else so i can c it

  2. My thoughts:Behind a sharp dressed man is always the women….Thank God for Jade!! 🙂

  3. I’m not surprised either! *lol*

    Yes, Thomas, keep it british(with your personal touch), and taking Jade’s advices when necessary, as long as it is in mood with who you are.

    Be yourself.

    With Love,


  4. He’s so adorable. Plus I absolutely love Christian Siriano, so it makes me happy knowing that Tom has his approval 🙂

  5. Pingback: Video: Christian Siriano and Tom Felton on the red carpet

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