We don’t have many details at this time, but the Twitter account for Six String Productions has confirmed that Tom Felton has signed on with them and “the album is very much on its way.”
Feltbeats.com is in touch with Six String Productions and will have more information very soon!
To give you a little sneaky hint as to what has been going on the last few months, here is the history of Twitter chat between @TomFelton and @SixStringProd:
From SixStringProd: @TomFelton the studio is up and ready! heard u got a meeting later so will get u in and out quickly today…less chatting more writing 😉
From TomFelton: @SixStringProd yes i need to be in town around 3 so will still have plenty of time! on my way! leaving hogwarts now…
From SixStringProd: @TomFelton good luck on sky… see you for a very exciting meeting at lunch!!
From TomFelton: @SixStringProd lunch it is. see you then. look forward to it
From SixStringProd: great news for all of you tom felton fans out there… great news to come
From TomFelton: @SixStringProd when are we celebrating!
Sounds exciting! We will have more news very soon, so watch this space!
[New Post] @SixStringProd confirms new @TomFelton album coming soon! http://feltbeats.com/2010/07/15/six-stri…
@feltbeats when when when??? do u know? 🙂
@Veju007 I’m waiting for confirmation, but it should be in a few months!
Pingback: Tom Felton confirms new projects: “Evac” and “Rise of the Apes”
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Ok, let’s wait and see!
With Love,