A bit more about Tom Felton’s upcoming album revealed

Thanks to @Snitchseeker, we have this great interview from The Sun. In it, Tom talks very briefly about his new album and gives us a few more details – namely that there will be a band to back him up, and says that they have “have turned my nursery-rhyme songs into quite credible pieces of music.” From the interview:

DRACO MALFOY is the Hogwarts star you would least expect to swap magic for music.

But actor TOM FELTON, who plays the muggle-hating blond wizard in the Harry Potter films, has landed a record deal.

He has signed to indie label Six Strings Productions, who posted this on their Twitter page: “Tom Felton has signed and the album is very much on its way…”

And it turns out Tom’s musical talents are up there with his acting abilities.

He writes his own tunes, sings well and is pretty handy with a guitar.

Until now music has always been just a huge hobby, second to acting. But that is set to change.

Tom said: “I’m a keen musician. Me and my mates have a great time jamming and recording stuff.

“We have a great band behind us and have turned my nursery-rhyme songs into quite credible pieces of music. But you definitely won’t see me on the broomstick with a guitar.”

I’ve had a listen to some of his old material from two previous EPs on t’internet – and liked what I heard. It has a touch of McFLY and THE KOOKS about it.

Given Tom is already a big name due to ten years at Hogwarts, it’s not going to be difficult for him to shift a few copies.

He’s a record company dream.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/3062323/Harry-Potter-star-Tom-Felton-signs-a-record-deal.html#ixzz0uI1GXNbI

10 thoughts on “A bit more about Tom Felton’s upcoming album revealed

  1. @feltbeats hi feltbeats 🙂 plz reply back <3 plz plz plz come to Japan again !

  2. i like his songs 🙂 he’s not the best singer, but he’s really good xD haha cant wait to hear his new album

  3. I’m most likely looking forward listening/reading tunes having gained in variety in their topics, and substance, color, and texture, like a well-aged wine, Thomas. For one’s writing skills become like a millesism over time this way, due to how one progress to get them better and better.

    And it seem to be clearly heading into this direction, since you’re acknowledging than working with your friends has helped whatever you’ve written down to get off the ground, to become credible pieces of music. For indeed, to be listenable, songs have to be credible, rest on reality. Having your friends backing you up as a band, also gives a more real feeling to your project, Honey.

    That you’ve signed with their label was the best thing that could happen to you.

    Couldn’t possibly ask anything more than that.

    With Love,


  4. I’m very happy for Tom that he has the chance to take advantage of his talents and live his dreams.
    I just hope that the band and others didn’t turn his music into something unrecognisable, because I like Tom’s distinct tunes. He was being himself and I guess I wouldn’t like him to turn into some mainstream product…

  5. It was sooo time for Tom to explore his music professionally and how can we not look forward to the result? He’s signed with a small indi label so its not as if he doesn’t have artistic say in the production.

    I wish him the best of luck. (of course I can’t wait for it!)

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