Congratulations to Tom Felton for reaching the big 300,000 followers on Twitter! In honor of this historic event, I have searched Google and found this appropriate image:

(I think the last time Tom hit a significant Twitter milestone, I posted a picture of a bunny rabbit, so this is like a trend. Oh, poor, poor Tom Felton for having a fan site run by girls!)
In responds to the many online congratulations Tom received, he tweeted a heart-felt “thank you” to his fans:
TomFelton: Would love to thank all of you for your support over the last few years. You are the best and are truly appreciated. You all keep me going x
So sweet, as always! (Like that kitten! See? It’s relevant!)
@feltbeats I’d like to mail you today can you look out for it please misha xx
[New Post] @TomFelton hits 300,000 Twitter followers and thanks his fans…
@feltbeats LOL on the kitty : )) XX
@ErikaDianeI LOL right? Cutest thing evah! Yes, I am five years old. Hehehe.
@feltbeats Aww! 🙂 Cute kitty! <3
@feltbeats Hahahahahah nahh like you said we are girls LOL cute things makes us squee hahaha
the kitten is really cute!
support Tom forever!!!xoxo
Yay, baby animal pics 😀
Congrats Tom!
Wanna congratulate too!!
(Although, if everyone is like me than he in fact has only 150.000 followers…:P)
Congrats Tom!
You’re a great actor and a good singer too.
I’m gonna support you FOREVER, and that’s a big promise from me that will NEVER be broken. :* ♥
@feltbeats yaaaay gooooh tom! wonder if he’s feeling generous enough to follow some.
Congratulations, Honey!
And looks like, Misha, that you’ve taken me to the word, when I was saying than Thomas was getting me thinking of a kitten, thanks to the shoots of K.Z. Feng! *lol*
With Love,
“so sweet, as always! (Like that kitten! See? It’s relevant!)”
I think it’s awesome that this site is run by his female fans. Cute animals = Win!
Congrats!!! You deserve this, Tom!