A Lesson in Bribery: Tom Felton is game for it. Are you?

For those of you paying attention earlier, SixStringProd tweeted how they would be visiting a photo shoot tomorrow of Tom’s.

going to watch @tomfelton at a photoshoot tomorrow… should be interesting

I would say! Immediately following, they tweeted how they would tweet their followers a sneak peek of Tom at this mystery shoot if they gained another (atm 400+) followers between now and then.

if our followers hits 2000 i’ll send you a sneaky pic of @tomfelton on the shoot? anyone else up for that? my camera will be ready!

Tom, being the cunning, helpful Slytherin friend that he is, responded:

@SixStringProd good luck with this guys! i’m not too sure if you will make it to 2000! but lets just see…i’m game if u do!

So… what do we need to do to get you all to follow SixStringProd? 😉

10 thoughts on “A Lesson in Bribery: Tom Felton is game for it. Are you?

  1. @feltbeats Guys, my computer repeatedly reports that Feltbeats site is infected with viruses and tries to close it 🙁 Can u check this out?

  2. @feltbeats I posted the pic for followers offer from @SixStringProd on LJ in tomfelton_daily & my personal journal.

  3. @feltbeats Thanks! I will try a public computer at the library tomorrow. Sorry about this! Any plans for the NY premier?

  4. Slytherins are known to go game quickly. Not very much surprised either, but it’s true than Thomas’s craftiness and cleverness are showing more and more clearly, lately!

    With Love,


  5. Pingback: @SixStringProd shares not one, but two photos of @TomFelton as a thanks for the follow

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