@sixstringprod published another photo of Tom Felton

Last week SixStringProd shared with us sneaky photos of Tom Felton at his photo shoot, this morning now they published another photo of Tom from this day. Thanks!

You can see all photos here in our gallery.

16 thoughts on “@sixstringprod published another photo of Tom Felton

  1. @feltbeats Do u happen to know the number of times Tom has bleached his hair for the entire HP movies, not just DH? I’m awfully curious lol

  2. Sweet… Im in heaven for sure now. Love his bare feet. It shows that he is a very grounded person. The water in the background shows the emotions and his love is for pure intentions. Tom is really an radiant person. So down to earth soul. Tom will make an amazing husband to his lady of choice in life. Only if her heart and soul is of pure intentions of love. 🙂

  3. You’re taking the words out of my mouth! *lol*

    To walk bare footed onto the grass is corresponding better to Thomas’s casual nature, a Spirit free from all chains formality’s sometimes imposing to us.

    The shoot’s getting me thinking of a troubadour, a bard, a minstrel, because of the way Thomas’s posing with his guitar.

    All is missing is a lady sitting onto the grass besides him, to emphasizes more the emotional message transmitted by the background, and Thomas’s lumineous aura and smile.

    With Love,


  4. WOW! Nice interpretations there.
    I was just gonna say, forget “wrist-porn”, we now have feet! Can I say that here? … O_O
    Don’t blame me for the thought, Erika is a baaaad influence. 😉

  5. @feltbeats I thought so, I was just hoping you would know cuz it’s REALLY been bothering me. lol. Tom can sometimes mess with my sanity

  6. Yes, I am going to comment again. LOL Anyways.. If u take the time to study the picture closely, you will understand what my comment means up above. I know he is very gorgeous but take a closer look at him and what is surrounding him. A picture speaks a thousands things no one picks on besides just looking at him and thinking he’s so sexy. LOL And oh my GOD he is that.I think some people totally misunderstand him. Not in a bad way but they don’t actually see HOW he is actually feeling. Its hard to make u understand what I am getting at and NO I am not meaning this in a bad way whatsoever. I adore TOM very deeply. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be here for sure. But anways take another look at the pic but keep an open mind about it. Whether he realises it or not, his emotions are screaming out in this one. Look beyond the looks people. I know I am not going to deny it but there’s more to him than meets the eye. 🙂

  7. What does the other barefoot chap mean? And what does his camera stand for? It’s intimacy made public I bet.
    The glorious drivel of teenagers hormone-burnt brains. Bless. O:)

  8. I think you have a deeper connection to Tom. You know, like some people can talk with certain angels. I think you’re someone special, especially when you look beyond the surface. I admire that.

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