Glamour UK recently did a poll amongst its readership for the Best Dressed British Men and Women, and topping in at a respectable 25 out of 50 was Tom for his casual chic style.
His Style: Don’t expect Tom to be spotted out and about with a wand and cloak. The Harry Potter star is renowned for his casual style, happily donning polo necks and jeans – and looking chic at the same time.

Tom’s friend Daniel Radcliffe came in at number four, while his other “Harry Potter” co-star’s Rupert Grint and Emma Watson at three and one respectively.
[New Post] Tom Felton makes the half way mark in Glamour UK’s Best Dressed List…
Well they say Tom is number 25 but Tom is number 1 for me as always and forever!!!! WoooHooo!! Gotta love him!! Hellz yeah. :D:D:D <3
Yes, casual and chic at the same time: this is the Thomas I prefer!
With Love,
Haha, Emma would come in #1
so, who is number one and two?
whoops, never mind my stupid question
@feltbeats He is the #1 best dressed! No one can deny that!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that Tom has Jade to thank for this LOL she has great style 🙂 🙂