Warner Brothers official Youtube account uploaded not one, but eight new TV spots as promotion for Tom’s upcoming film “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I”.
I will freely admit it, my mind hasn’t been able to process past Daniel Radcliffe as Harry in a bra while channeling Fleur to find out if Tom’s in any new scenes. So yeah, enjoy, and let me know!
[New Post] So WAS there any new Tom Felton in the latest HPDH1 TV spots? http://feltbeats.com/2010/10/18/so-was-t…
Not really, unfortunately. During TV Spot 4, we can see him at :04 at the Malfoy table, but there are no more other than that.
9 TV spots and NO sign of Tom (Draco)? This is NOT fair at all!
@feltbeats Unfortunatly no new Tom Felton that I could tell. Althought the sight of Daniel Radcliff in a bra will be with me forever 🙂
Thanks a lot for uploading them all! You made my morning!
With Love,
@feltbeats Not really you see him for a second as they scan over the table of Death Eater’s in Malfoy Manor
there are glimpses of Tom in several of these…mostly at the table with many others and I thought I saw him one more time….would like a repeat of the last film…her did a superb job!
amazing…cant wait =)