18 thoughts on “Tom Felton enjoys Sydney

  1. Is it just me or does anyone else also want to jump into the pic and knock him down?

  2. Really cute pic, go to Mtv.com there’s something about a Harry Potter World Cup it’s a month-long tournameant’s official bracket and Draco on there but of course he’s on there lol.

  3. Great pic! 😀
    Is it just me, or are the pics with Jade getting fewer and fewer?

  4. It was ironically, because she is always in the picture with him…And so i was wondering why she is not in the piture 😀

    and yeah @AquaLover: Yeah! She is always following him everywhere!! 😀

  5. He i’ts doing right… He is the STAR, no his girl, she always look like leech, in every event she always want appear in camera.
    If Tom loves her is ok, but i’m tired to see Jade everywhere….

  6. Tom deserves better, somebody who makes him Happy. Jade’s ugly, stupid but if she makes him happy I’!m glad he has her, still Astoria go to hell !

  7. Check out the page @~~Draco Malfoy A true Slytherin~~

    and Albus Dumbledore can’t die as long as people loyal to him

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