Trending Topics are considered a very important measurement to figure what the world is talking about at any given moment in time. You’ll often see discussions of world events, some random thing Justin Bieber said, or maybe some random thing someone else said about Justin Bieber. No I’m kidding, seriously though, Trending Topics are quite important and a good indicator of things that are on “the world’s mind,” especially as it pertains to Justin Bieber.
So, it was truly amazing that for nearly the entire day of Tom’s birthday, that “Happy Birthday Tom Felton” was trending around the world, as well as individually in many countries.
In addition, for a short time “Draco Malfoy” was also trending.
Finally, late at night CST on Sept. 22, Tom’s trending topic was finally usurped by… Snooki and The Jersey Shore. Ironic, no? “Sup baby, wanna smush?”
‘Tom Felton’ also WW trended for 15 minutes, before ‘Happy Birthday Tom Felton’ took over. It trended for a bit over 12 consecutive hours, dropped off briefly, then returned for another round. All together, it WW trended for 15 hours and 30 minutes. ‘Draco Malfoy’ WW trended alongside Happy Birthday ‘Tom Felton’ for 4 hours and 45 minutes.