MuggleNet is hosting their first ever Harry Potter Oscars, and Tom Felton is nominated for Best Actor Under 30 for his role as Slytherin Bad Boy Draco Malfoy.
Tired of fighting with your friends about which Harry Potter film is the best? Which score deserves a Grammy? Which actor, professor, or student, deserves the most accolades for their performance? MuggleNet has your solution: Harry Potter Oscars!
We at MuggleNet, while fans of books, are also fans of films – and can’t agree, AT ALL, about which Potter film is the best (My fav is DHP1. Alexandra, PoA. Eric, CoS. Keith, OoTP. Sensing the trend?) So we decided to provide you a way to decide once and for all which Potter film ‘rules them all’ (see what I did there LOTR fans?).
For the next two weeks cast your vote in 30 categories & over 100 nominees (determined by fandom experts & MuggleNet Staff using official Oscar nomination rules), including traditional Oscar categories like “Best Director” and “Best Composer” but also Potter-ized categories like “Best Pet Performance” and “Best Wand Design”. Check out our YouTube channel to watch all of the Official Nomination videos, then head over to our Oscars page to vote.
Then, on February 24th, be sure to join us for the live show! Put on your favorite ballgown (or, your footie Ravenclaw PJ’s!) and join your favorite MuggleNet staff as we announce the winners LIVE! You never know who may show up…so be sure to join us!
Which Potter film are you pulling for?
Click here to vote for Tom as the Best Actor Under 30, as well as casting your vote in 29 other categories. There are no limits to voting, so vote often! Winners will be announced February 24th.