Tom Felton’s animated film Sheep and Wolves will be released on DVD / Blu-Ray in Australia / New Zealand and Germany in January 2017.
Release date for New Zealand / Australia is 4th January 2017 and you can pre-order the DVD (it seems that only DVD is available) on different sites:
Australia – DVD (Region 4) :
DVDorchard / EZY / SANiTY / booktopia
New Zealand – DVD (Region 4) :
Release date for Germany is 19th January 2017 and you can pre-order the DVD / Blu-Ray on
The German title for the film is “Völlig von der Wolle – Ein määährchenhaftes Kuddelmuddel” and the DVD / Blu-Ray has a German and an English audio track.
Therefore, you can watch it also in UK and other European countries with the English audio and Tom Felton’s voice. 😉
Sheep and Wolves (Völlig von der Wolle – Ein määährchenhaftes Kuddelmuddel) will be available in Germany as DVD , Blu-Ray 2 D and Blu-Ray 3 D incl. 2 D.
Pre-order here -> DVD / Blu-Ray 2 D / Blu-Ray 3 D incl. 2 D (DVD Region 2 / Blu-Ray Region B/2)
BTW, Sheep and Wolves received the Golden Unicorn Award for Best Animation Film at the Russian Film Week in London last weekend.
One can only hope that the disc will be made for and sold on the USA market!
Any word on Region 1/US & Canada Release date yet?
It seems that the film will be released on DVD in US on 17th April 2018 , you can already pre-order the DVD on – Sandra