Hi everyone! We just wanted to give a quick reminder that Tom Felton will be at FanExpo Canada in Toronto, Canada this weekend!
There was some speculation as to the days he will be there, so we got the confirmation from Tom that he will indeed be there all day Friday, Saturday AND Sunday! Photo ops galore!
I tried to figure out if he was doing any Q&A sessions or anything like that, but I couldn’t figure it out from the FanExpo Canada website. If anyone knows, please tell us! Thanks!
He’s doing a Q&A session on Sunday. Unfortunately we were in too much of a haste to order the tickets and are going Friday instead :'(
Erik what is the Q&A ?!:$
hey people, tom felton is awesome and i want to know where i can see him, meet him, get a pic of you get the point,and when cause he is sooo awesome, please let me know!
Sorry I didn’tmean Erik I meant errm polio
Sorry I didn’tmean Erik I meant errm lool:-D