Our intrepid internet reporter Estrella89San has found this new YouTube video of Tom Felton at Collectormania 15:
Tom is at the very end, at about the 7:15 mark.
Plus, Estrella89San has given us more from Paris:
Tom is at 0:31-0:35 and 1:16-2:01.
Tom is at 0:22-1:01.
Thanks again Estrella89San!
How cool and chilled are they all??!!! Awww theres never anything like that near me…. damn you Portsmouth :/
Mmmmh! Like-his-hair!
Usually go to this wish I could have gone
Really Cool.
“Our intrepid internet reporter” 😆
Thank you for this name ! 😉
LOL the french is cracking me up du train d’Harry Potter lol
Awww Tom is so cute 😛
Thank you for getting and sharing all these TF goodies. It’s lovely to see him promoting Draco. The movie is almost here and I intend to go opening day or night as it may well be.
Thanks again!
The Collectormania one’s a true gem, wish the same thing could be done at a Japan Expo, in a year or so, since the last time I attended one of these was back in 2004. I liked very much the second one, it should be featured in all theatres, even after the tour!
With Love,