Tom Felton is a doll! ;)

We all know that often Tom lets his girlfriend choose his clothes for events, well – now it’s your turn!

At, they now have a Tom Felton doll available, and you can pick his clothes and dress him any way you like! Tom is considered a special premium doll, so a subscription is required before you get to play him.

I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to play with the Tom doll myself, and I was slightly disappointed that he had short hair and only a few outfits to choose from. I assume I could buy new hair and clothes but I couldn’t figure it out, LOL. Oh well. Nonetheless, I put together a few outfits and thought I’d share them here!

Thanks to November and shannonhearne for the tip!

PS. Sorry, Tom! 😉

11 thoughts on “Tom Felton is a doll! ;)

  1. You don’t have to pay to play him. If you wait like a month, he’ll become available for everyone. ;]

  2. Haha i love them! And no problem! Im jealous and by the way nice scarf tom haha but if you do read this i love you! haha

  3. Hahahaha, am I that stupid?

    I tried registered, even though I couldn’t find Tom…

    S.O.S. Help me!

  4. Pingback: A new toy: Tom Felton now available for the masses

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