Tom had the opportunity to talk with my favorite Project Runway winner, Christian Siriano, at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards. While I have no idea who the designer is that designed Tom’s jacket (that’s okay, Christian didn’t know him either), Tom freely admitted his personal sense of style – throwing something together until someone says otherwise.
I’m not surprised. 😉
[New Post] Tom Felton Talks Fashion with Christian Siriano…
@feltbeats we cant watch it only U.S.A people can the video is not available in my region!! can u find a video somewhere else so i can c it
@feltbeats I loved Christian too!!!
good job… keep it british.
I love Christian ^_^ “Fierce!”
And Tom looked nice 🙂
My thoughts:Behind a sharp dressed man is always the women….Thank God for Jade!! 🙂
damn, i cant watch this….
ima look in
I’m not surprised either! *lol*
Yes, Thomas, keep it british(with your personal touch), and taking Jade’s advices when necessary, as long as it is in mood with who you are.
Be yourself.
With Love,
u cant see the video if u live out side the usa
grey, black, and brown? *eye twitches*
He’s so adorable. Plus I absolutely love Christian Siriano, so it makes me happy knowing that Tom has his approval 🙂
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