Tom Felton has always been known as someone who brings light and cheer into the hearts of his fans and those around him. His charming, pleasant personality touches everyone he meets – from the youngest fan to the grumpiest TV reporter – he makes everyone feel better!
In that spirit, came up with this idea to help spread the Felton spirit! We asked fans to do “Random Acts of Felton” for Tom’s birthday, then post it here. A “Random Act of Felton” is anything that helps out someone else, or makes someone happy! Here is our “About” page with more info. Here is our FAQ page.
And Tom Felton fans really came through, doing some really amazing things as Random Acts to share with us! We had people raising money for charities, helping out at a senior center, spending time with kids with cancer, baking food for others, distributing Tom Felton fliers at the mall, and MOOOORE! So many wonderful things!
Also, hundreds of fans spent time putting together beautiful birthday wishes for Tom! There are some really adorable videos, posters, and photos shared by so many lovely people from around the world.

Be sure to read through all the pages! There are hundreds of posts! 😉
P.S. I know we’re basically a day late – I was waiting for everyone to get their posts in! I will send an e-mail to Tom so he knows to come read it! =)