Here is a quick round up of videos on YouTube posted by fans wishing Tom Felton a Happy Birthday. As always, Tom’s fans from around the world prove themselves to be adorable, talented and sweet – all at the same time!
Author Archives: Admin
“Happy Birthday Tom Felton” trends around the world on Twitter
Trending Topics are considered a very important measurement to figure what the world is talking about at any given moment in time. You’ll often see discussions of world events, some random thing Justin Bieber said, or maybe some random thing someone else said about Justin Bieber. No I’m kidding, seriously though, Trending Topics are quite important and a good indicator of things that are on “the world’s mind,” especially as it pertains to Justin Bieber.
So, it was truly amazing that for nearly the entire day of Tom’s birthday, that “Happy Birthday Tom Felton” was trending around the world, as well as individually in many countries.
In addition, for a short time “Draco Malfoy” was also trending.
Finally, late at night CST on Sept. 22, Tom’s trending topic was finally usurped by… Snooki and The Jersey Shore. Ironic, no? “Sup baby, wanna smush?”

Happy Birthday, Tom! celebrates Tom Felton’s birthday by reaching 22,222 followers
It took months of planning and a team of nearly two dozen fans, but we did it! The @feltbeats Twitter reached 22,222 followers on Sept. 22 (22 is Tom’s favorite number) in honor of Tom’s birthday!
Happy Birthday, Tom!
Before you spend a long time trying to figure out how we did it. Don’t. I was kidding – we didn’t do anything. It was just a funny coincidence! =)
Tom Felton: Do not read this. (Everyone else – READ!)
We’re doing a little project for Tom’s birthday, and we’d love for you to be part of it!
We wanted to do something this year that really matched Tom Felton’s personality and spirit – the way that he brightens the day of anyone he meets. So, we came up with this idea to help spread the Felton spirit!

We’re asking fans to do “Random Acts of Felton” for Tom’s birthday, then post it on our new birthday project site. We’ll make sure Tom reads it for his birthday!
If you don’t have time to do a “real” project, please just go ahead and leave Tom a birthday message. Or, do both! We don’t care – just have fun! You can do something as big, or as little, as you like.
In order to be featured on the front page of the “Random Acts of Felton” site, you’ll need to have a photo with your post. We reserve the right to choose any entries to feature on the front page, and we also reserve the right not to publish an entry for any reason (we’ll only do that if it is weird or hateful).
Examples of Random Acts of Felton:
- Donate to a charity: Donate to a charity that Tom supports. Take a photo of you writing a check, a screenshot of the site or the thank you page, and post it here!
- Volunteer: Help out a charitable organization you think Tom would like. Maybe it is a hospital, a wildlife conservation organization, or a children’s charity – anything!
- Help a family member: Spend a little time and do something unexpected for a family member. Maybe you can give a surprise visit or phone call to a grandparent. Maybe you can help your mom by doing the dishes. Maybe you can help your little brother with his homework.
- Do something nice for a stranger: Help out a stranger in an unexpected way! Take a photo and post it to the site!
- Promote Tom Felton! Help promote Tom Felton and his music! Post a flyer around town. Call your local radio station and request his song. Post a nice message about Tom on a popular website. Take a photo or screenshot and post it here!
- Any other ideas? Anything will work for your Random Act of Felton! As long as it helps someone in the spirit of Tom Felton!