September Film just released the first trailer for Tom Felton’s film “The Forgotten Battle” (Slag om de Schelde). The film will be released in cinemas in the Netherlands on 17th December 2020. (we reported here)
Tom Felton’s film “The Forgotten Battle” (Slag om de Schelde) will be released in cinemas in the Netherlands on 17th December 2020.
A dutch movie about three young people: a British glider pilot, a Dutch boy fighting on the German side and a Dutch female resistance member; set around the Battle of the Scheldt. Their choices differ, their goal is the same: freedom. (we reported here last year – the English working title was called “Battle of the Scheldt“)
November 1944. The Allies are stalled in Belgium. Winter is coming. In the Southwest of the Netherlands, tens of thousands of Allied and German soldiers are engaged in The Battle of the Scheldt, for control over supply lines. A Dutchman conscripted into the Wehrmacht, a British glider pilot, and a local girl with the underground resistance cross paths. They each face fundamental choices which will have consequences for their own lives, and for Europe’s freedom.