Tom Felton and Hilary Duff are As Old As on GLAMOUR

Thanks to Glamour UK for letting us know that Tom is listed alongside actress and best-selling writer Hilary Duff on their “Celebrities That Are As Old As… Each Other” list.

Tom Felton and Hilary Duff

Age: 23
Both child stars and both 23; we wonder what else Tom Felton and Hilary Duff have in common!

Any guesses, FeltFans? Does the Duffster share anything else in common with Feltbeatz? Let us know in the comments below!

Make a friend and get ahead in the game: New info on Tom Felton’s latest “White Other”

As we’ve tantalizingly teased you with previously, Tom’s character (Ray Marsden) in short film “White Other” has a Facebook page, and he’s ever so eager for you to be friends with him. As you’ve solved the code to see the trailer at, you also know that you’ll be able to see the film the same way. But alas! Did you know Ray’s willing to share the entire film with you without all that rigamorale?

Ray looks out for his friends as passionately as he looks out for his brother. If he can get over 1000 of them on his Facebook, he will give all of them the code – for free. No more solving. No more worry. Just friends helping out friends, like brothers.

Become Ray’s friend.
He could use one right about now.

It’s a New York premiere for Tom Felton

Warner Brothers has issued a press release today confirming the attendance of Emma Watson, Tom Felton, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, screenwriter Steve Kloves and the David’s Barron, Heyman and Yates for the New York premiere of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I.”

The premiere will be on Monday, November 15th. Celebrity arrivals will begin at 6pm EST outside the Alice Tully Hall on Broadway at 65th St. will be running its standard Live Blog during this and the London premiere of the film on November 11th. Join us each day as we gather all premiere coverage in one easily accessible place so we can all gossip chat about who’s wearing what, what’s wearing whom, and the rest of the excitement surrounding the red carpets. Plan on attending either premiere? Tweet about it with the hashtag #feltlive so we’ll be able to include you in our conversations.

As soon as information is released on any other premieres Tom may be attending, we’ll let you iknow.