According to home insurer LV=, Tom Felton tops the list of British celebrities who share personal information online.
Home insurer LV= commissioned experts to analyze the tweets of the ‘most followed’ British celebrities for a month. Each celebrity was then assigned a ‘risk score’ based on the number of times they divulged their location or personal information when tweeting. According to the study, Tom Felton revealed the most personal information to his fans of all celebrities analyzed.
The top celebrity tweeters, starting with the ones who revealed the most personal information, is as follows:
1. Tom Felton (TomFelton) – Actor
2. Calvin Harris (calvinharris) – Musician
3. Fearne Cotton (Fearnecotton) – Television presenter
4. Davina McCall (ThisisDavina) – Television presenter
5. Jonathan Ross (Wossy) – Television presenter
6. Jimmy Carr (jimmycarr) – Comedian
7. Jamie Oliver (jamie_oliver) – TV chef
8. Aled Haydn Jones (ahj) – Radio producer
9. Phillip Schofield (Schofe) – Television presenter
10. Noush Skaugen (noushskaugen) – Singer/songwriter
LV=, the home insurance company, makes the point that if you announce that you are away from home online, crafty criminals have a better opportunity to “burgle” your home when you’re gone.
Although Tom may indeed frequently reveal his location to fans online, it is usually to let people know of an event he will attend in order to publicize it and give fans an opportunity to meet or see him. He also reveals lots of other personal tidbits – though I’m not sure how his love of chocolate chip pancakes could be used against him.
But of course, Tom’s open and friendly personality, and the fun insights into his life that he shares on Twitter, is why he has a quarter of a million followers.

This is totally a real photo.
So, let me take this opportunity to address any crafty criminals who happen to be reading this blog:
Don’t even bother, because Tom has a home security set-up that could rival Fort Knox: with a Mission-Impossible-style laser movement detection system, really buff armed guards who look like Mr. T, a highly-trained guard dog named Timber, a huge moat (filled with piranhas and sharks with laser beams!) and albino peacocks.
Oh yeah, and while I have your attention, give him back his damned guitar.