Exclusive: Feltbeats.com Interviews Tom Felton Part 1


In anticipation of tonight’s season finale of “Murder In The First”, Feltbeats.com had a chance to ask Tom Felton a few questions about his character Eric Blunt, the filming process, and weather, if he was a jury member, would Eric be guilty.


Feltbeats: Tell us about Erich Blunt.

Tom: He’s a very unique individual. He’s a tech genius and a ruthless business man that has come from nothing. Erich’s a rock star of our generation.
Feltbeats: How much leeway did the director give you to make the character your own? Any adlibbing?
Tom: We had the luxury of fantastic writing from Steven Bochco & Eric Lodal so we never had to change much. We did ad lib quite a bit as we grew to know our characters but mostly just for fun.

Feltbeats: If you were part of the jury, would you think Erich was guilty?

Tom: Definitely maybe.
Feltbeats: Was it tough playing Erich not knowing if he was guilty or innocent?

Tom: It made it easier if anything. Giving me one piece of the puzzle at a time allowed me to just completely focus on that and not think of what’s to come. I begged Steven and Eric for months to tell me.
Feltbeats: How does the filming of episodic television compare to filming a movie?
Tom: It was enjoyable and definitely different from film making. It was a lot quicker pace of filming (10 pages a day usually) and you really have to be ready to jump in and out of character. I loved every second of working on Murder In The First, the crew and cast were amazing and Timber got to come to set everyday, she loved everyone!
I look back now and think it was the best 6 months of our lives.

Feltbeats: You’ve done Full Circle, and Murder In The First is going strong. Would you ever like to try your hand at a comedy series?
Tom: If I thought I could bring something funny to a character then yes definitely, I’d love to work with Seth Rogen, Judd Apatow, Jonah Hill.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of our exclusive interview with Tom Felton in the next couple days! Be sure to check out the season finale of Murder In The First tonight at 10 pm est on TNT!