Is that … Is that a new photo of Tom at the Empire Awards held in London earlier this year?
Why yes, yes it is.
As the internet was combed for more pics from the Fnac signing in Paris, these lovely gems were found along the way. Click here to see a few more!
And to make our week complete, here’s another set of Tom in Paris on Monday. Check out our gallery for even more!
Thanks, Estrella89san for the finds!
OMG – the one of him on the steps at the Empire Awards is my new favorite! I wish he’d wear suits more often, because he is unbelievably hot in those.
great great GREAT! excellent! loved it all. it’s cool hearing Tom talk. he has sucha cool voice. ^_^
No better way to start the week end! I simply feel terrific! “Ca va bien, merci!” Thanks to you!
With Love,
When is any of the Harry Potter cast doing any promos for the movie in California?