The July 2009 issue of FiRST Movie Magazine of Indonesia (currently available on newsstands in Indonesia) has is a special “Harry Potter” issue, containing more than a dozen pages of special character profiles and a special exclusive interview with our own Tom Felton.
While the magazine is not English, the author (Amanda Aayusya) was kind enough to translate the whole thing into English for us!
Additionally, you’ll be surprised with a fun little online-only interview with – yours truly. Indeed, the first interview ever with Feltbeats.com. 🙂
First, check out the excellent character studies for each Potter character:
- Harry Potter: A never-ending sensation
- Harry Potter: A die-hard Gryffindor
- The Sidekicks’ Journey
- Albus Dumbledore: The Eccentric Headmaster
- Tom Riddle: The True Terror
- Severus Snape: The Mysterious Professor
- Exclusive Tom Felton interview, Part 1
- Exclusive Tom Felton interview, Part 2
- Exclusive Tom Felton interview, Part 3
Next, some highlights of the exclusive Tom Felton interview:
To let Indonesians know him better, FiRST’s correspondent and contributor, Amanda Aayusya, with the generous assistance of Misha of the biggest Felton’s fansite on the Internet, Feltbeats.com, managed to chase this actor who was born in London, 22 September 1987, in the midst of his hectic schedule of promoting Half-Blood Prince and filming the seventh movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and have him answer several inquiries on Draco Malfoy, further plans for his life-after-Potter, and that uniquely bizarre experience of ostrich riding… exclusive for FiRST Movie Magazine Indonesia.
Tom also discusses filming “Anna and the King” in Malaysia:
One of my memories, however, is riding an elephant! I was so happy about it and couldn’t wait to tell my friends back at school. My mum is always reminiscing about her experiences so I’ve learned a lot about my experiences through her. Apparently I wouldn’t eat any of the food they gave me on set as it was so different from what I was used to in London, so she had to go to the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) she found 20 minutes away from set in a taxi everyday to get me a meal!
And, if Tom could pick an occupation in the wizarding world, what would it be?
I’d probably be a magical luthier and make some sort of musical instrument to sell on Diagon Alley.
There is MUCH, MUCH more, so head over to Amanda’s blog to read it all!
Lastly, there is a small interview with me discussing Feltbeats.com:
He is also well supported by his most comprehensive website on the Internet www.feltbeats.com. Feltbeats.com – whose name was taken from the pseudonym Felton uses to release his musical works – is owned by Misha. She has a crew of eight site administrators to run this interactive website. In the beginning, she only planned to talk about Felton’s music, but along with Felton’s increasing Internet popularity, Misha made additions that now allow all Feltonites to catch the latest news on Felton, video and song previews and even exclusive original interviews with Felton.
The Feltbeats interview goes on to discuss my first reactions to Tom’s music, how the site was started, and how I found our wonderful admin staff. I also give advice on how to interact with Tom via Twitter! Definitely check it out!
A magical luthier, I should have had guessed! 😉
With Love,
Wow, your a famous actor and yet still down to earth and over all amazing. That’s why your one of my favorite actors. 🙂
I am also a big fan of your music and have all of your songs on my iPod. please keep righting your music is wonderful.
A magical luthier would be brilliant. I’ve always wondered about music in the wizarding world. Imagine having instruments with magical properties!
Tom actually knows about SINGAPORE!
Most people *who are not Asians* don’t!
This is so exciting! Hope he comes to Singapore soon! xD
Describe Tom Felton in three words or phrases.
Yea, Tom. xD
I’m reni, from indonesia.
You know i’m nearly missed to buy that FIRST magazine.
It run out in my town (Malang, East Java), so i asked my boyfriend to buy it for me in Bogor, West Java (near Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia).
Fortunately he found & bought it..
Is Amanda an Indonesian?
And what do you think bout Indonesian?
Pingback: Draco Malfoy and the Character Study: FIRST Magazine, Tom Felton, and more.
He IS kind, charming and polite!! I’m surprise he could find those 3 exact words to describe himself! *squeal* <3
Btw I missed that issue.. I didn't know he was featured there..