AníMarí from has sent us this really funny scan from the Czech issue of “Bravo Girl! Magazine.” (Translation below!)

Thanks to Eva and also Marian for translations:
Would you like to know what Draco Malfoy, the popular blond nasty boy
from Harry Potter, can’t live without? Girl! already knows, so keep
“Well, maybe it may sound strange to you, but it is true. Shopping for
clothes, cosmetics and gifts for my friends and family is simply my
obsession. I don’t even mind when my mother sends me to buy some
bred.:-) Yeah, shopping is really fun! However, I don’t count myself
as a metrosexual. I still stand by my opinion that my girl should be
in the bathroom longer than me.”Fishing
Tom loves fishing. Once he even seriously announced that he’d like to
be a professional fisher. “It’s an amazing relax! The quietness and
calmness around. Fishing is the best way to relax for me. And
sometimes I don’t care if I catch nothing!”Sport
“Anywhere outside, on the fresh air, makes me the happiest. I love
sport in general, whether it’s basketball, in-line skating, ice
skating or football (soccer). Sport is just a great thing!”Camera
“That’s my disease. I’m famous for it. Everywhere Tom goes, his camera
goes, too.:-) What’s wrong about it? It’s nice to capture your friends
in the most embarrassing situations.:-)”Habits
“Since I was a child, I have my own habits that I keep. For example, I
never step on canals (drains), I try to brush my teeth after every
meal and – attention, few people know this about me – I sleep in my
pyjamas inside-out.:-)”Friends
“What should I say? Friends are just an essential part of my life.
With regard to the fact that until now I have spent most of my time
with people filming the Harry Potter, we have become one big family. I
love them a lot.”Music
Since he was a child, he has shown dramatic and musical talent. He has
loved to perform in public and he’s taken part in many school
concerts. He started his “singer” career when he was seven, when he
started to sing in a church. He was also a member of four school
choirs. He loves listening to Eminem!Mobile phone
“I am still quite successfull in ignoring all the technical toys and
modern technologies. I’m simply resisting them, but I can’t live
without my mobile phone anymore… Although, sometimes I have a big
inclination to throw it out of a window!”The Simpsons
“I don’t think there’s any need to comment on this. The Simpsons are a
clear choice. I know by heart probably all the episodes. I could watch
them all day…The jokes are perfect!”Food
“Of course, nothing compares to my mother’s culinary art. There’s
nothing better than her delicious cooking. However, I don’t mind
eating in fast-foods, either… Fortunately, I belong to the lucky
people with fast metabolism, so I don’t have to be troubled with my
weight. Girls, don’t forget – love goes through the stomach!”
Thanks again, AníMarí, Eva and Marian!
i can translate it for you if you want, but ist too small, i cannot really read it
what language is this?
it is in czech
Dominika –
Tady je to ve větším. 🙂
Yes, I do think it is also about his favorite things. He loves to take photos, it’s obvious, with the so many pictures he’s sharing with us on Twitter *wink*. The guy’s passionate as well with everything high-tech, rap and casual clothing. A cool guy, anyway.
With Love,
omg diki uz som to sice prelozila ale mozem znova, aspon doplnim tu povodnu verziu, diki diki moc, aspon to uz dava zmysel
Prosimtě za nic. 😀 Já jsem ráda, že jsem mohla pomoct. Sama jsem moc líná a na překlad jsem vážně naprosto líná. 😀 Už tak mi stačí nahrávat ty miliony obrázků Toma do galerie. 😀
What a cute picture <3 i love it (: tom, i love you!
Yay I love you Tom=))
I adore that picture of you. (:
here is the full sized version
I can translate it, but it will take me a while. Yes, it’s about things he loves. 🙂
Homer Simpson’s naked butt?
that’s nice 😀
That is an AMAZING pic of you (but is there a pic that isnt amazing?!) and I think its cool that you sleep with your PJs inside-out! Everybody has their own thing to make them..them 😉 :D!
Strange. The information reads like collected from interviews from 5/6 years ago to me.
I cant believe that tommy sleeps with his pjs inside out! how funny! as for music, i like hip hop music and eminem too tom!
hey, what is a inside-out pyjama?
i’ll aprecciate u’r reply
Hahaha. Toms so eccentric. What a weirdo. PJs inside out? Don’t the labels rub? But I guess that is why we love him.
Oh – and I love the fact he knows the words to the Simpsons. Thats so .. amusing! (:
This Is So Amazing .. I liked That Weird Part..Tom Wearz The pijamaz Inside out .. It’s kind of funny .. But Different..Luv ya tom <3<3
It’s wear The pijamaz Inside Out..umm..Like If there was a Picture It Will Be Inside Not outside .. got it ?? 😉
Ok silly question… but what is a Metrosexual?
omg!! tht pic is soo cute n tht is soo funny!!!
he’s jus my type if he luvs food so much!!!
n i dont av 2 worry bout my weight either!!! lol
still i no tht i can neva b wid him or even meet him :'(:'(
he luvs jade 2 much which makes me sad but am happy if he’s happy, i luvv u tom!!!
lots of love n kisses Ash xxx
he is not the only one who sleeps with pjs inside out!! i do too! also, im VERY skilled in the kitchen….. that gives me an idea….
he is not the only one who sleeps with pjs inside out!! i do too! also, im VERY skilled in the kitchen….. that gives me an idea….