From Tom’s Twitter: – just got an email from @dramamagazine the new issue will be out very soon! sneak peak here for you…x

For those of you that can’t remember, it was announced earlier this year via and Tom’s Twitter that Tom did a photo shoot with this online only fashion magazine. Drama magazine has been leaving tantalizing tweets via their Twitter account since then as to when it will be released. We’ll let you know when the magazine hits an iPhone near you.
Wow! It looks like “Tom Felton -Warrior Prince”. I love it!
haha cool! Fight for the UK, Tom! 😀 Luv ya to death still! <3 even when you wanna be a "warrior" hahaha 😀
haha luv the outfit!!
He looks sooo hot!!
With pics like this one he’s gonna kill us one day!!
Luv ya Tom!!
I can’t wait to see all the pics.
I think it will be VERY interesting. 🙂
I want to see them all!!!
Love you Tom.
Oh. My. God.
He looks more to a gladiator, and to an hard rock metal artist at the same time, to me. Very different and insightful.
With Love,
My reaction: AH! Lol giggle snort HA!
I always thought Drama Mag went OOT, but that is CRRRRAZYYYY! lol
omg it took me ages to actually work out this is tom he looks so different gorgeous though and that hair really looks good on tom xxx
omg! killer! I love him! He’s sooo friggin’ HOT!
he’s so damn hot
OMG so hot *dies 😀
Correction: Sooo damn hot.