As we announced yesterday, Tom was scheduled to appear on Sky Sports Cricket AM today. On the show, Tom discussed growing up on the set of “Harry Potter” and equating the end of it to graduating from college, watching and playing the cricket as a couple with his friend Daniel Radcliffe (who he admits knows more on the strategy and stats than he does himself), and being a bowler for his brothers while playing with their own personal net in the garden. Tom also mentions towards the end (after everyone does not ignore his inadvertent remark on being in a couple with Dan *snerk*) his work with cricket charity “Chance to Shine.”
Unfortunately, the video is not embeddable. You can watch the eight minute clip by going to the source, or clicking on Tom’s face below.
[New Post] Tom Felton Talks “Harry Potter,” Cricket, and TomsFriendDan Radcliffe on Sky Sports 1 Cricket AM…
@feltbeats Thank you for the link :0)
Apparently, Slytherins still got a lot to learn when it comes to formate strategies, from the Gryffindors! *lol*
Ever ready to handle out a piece of his heart to those in need, Thomas doesn’t hesitate to associate his love for Cricket to a good cause. This is the Thomas I know.
He had handled the whole interview good-humouredly and very at ease, much more at ease than before, I’d say.
With Love,
@feltbeats DO you know if Tom eventually saw the Very potter musical? or Its sequel?
He is just so cute and his open face really charms everyone. He does so well in interviews and he can laugh at himself, which is a very important thing and will help to keep him sane while he lives in the spotlight.
Adorable 😀
LOL … mentioning that people are only interested in Dan and him as couple 😉 <3 H/D
Need to take a moment to breathe here. His radiant self almost makes me go over the edge. He is so amazing. I can begin to descibe what I feel about this, other than WOW!!! Love him. (L) 😉
Yeah tom does his interviews very well, and after all i think he’s just such a great actor and earned not enough for his wonderful and great performance as actor and vocalist.