It’s that time of year again – promo season. As the clock winds down to the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I” this November, new promotional material is being released, and in this latest edition, courtesy of a 2011 calendar, we see a new photo inset of Tom as the iconic Draco Malfoy. How apropos is it he is the month known for its yin and yang mentality? The larger photo was used in “Half Blood Prince” advertisements, but the smaller image just below is new to our eyes.

[New Post] Tom Felton is Mr. March in latest “Harry Potter” Calendar…
I love his pics but why are the days al weird?
They should have put him as September since he was born in that month that would be epic 😀 x
Oh yea! I got Snape!! Cool
@feltbeats march is my birthday month! 😀
Or for the month of June, since Draco’s born at this time of the year. It’d have made even more sense.
As a matter of fact, on my GOF perpetual calendar, it’s acually a shoot of Thomas from POA, with the Slytherin gang, which is featured *grin*.
With Love,
For September, of course!
With Love,
@feltbeats It will be March all year long.
@feltbeats OMG!! March! My b-day is in March! Wicked!
My Month – December!
@feltbeats yay! my birthday is in march too! 🙂
Mr. march is good for draco.but y bela is in july..i thought only the hottest were in june and july..well emma is good for june.y bella in july…sigh..sigh..i wanted snape in December..thats my month..but i ended up with “U KNOW WHO”
I shall definitely purchase this. My birthday is in March. EXCELLENT!! He always looks in-character!
What’d they do, throw darts at a board? Why is Draco March? And Voldy as December? One has to wonder why they picked what they picked. Anyway, love the new smaller pic of Draco, was never to fond about that one from the promo’s for HBP but I guess it is what it is 🙂
I was born in March :’)
this calender makes my life complete <3
No matter what month TOM is in, he will always be my every month. Mmmmm… So right!!! 😀
The calendar looks so cool, I cant wait 2 get it!!! Tom I’d amazing in both pictures!
Same here. 🙂
Yay for Draco badness! Tom’s really perfected that evil glare.
@feltbeats RT… Not Mr.March-Hare, I hope.:P On 2nd thoughts, why not! 😀 @TomFelton
yay! i got Draco! woo! happy birthday to me!
Pingback: One Month is Not Enough: Tom Felton makes Mr. December in HP Wall Calendar
he should be in May!! 😀
have prof. snape…and he scares me 🙁
but tom is uber sexay! XD