In a new interview with MTV, Ashley Greene is asked to compare her “Twilight” fans compared to Tom Felton’s “Harry Potter” fans:
MTV: While filming “Apparition,” did you and Tom Felton ever compare notes about “Harry Potter” and “Twilight” fans?
Greene: Not so much comparing the fans as acknowledging how incredible they are. We are both so lucky to be a part of franchises that have ignited such a passion in young people. Very few actors get to be a part of that experience, so it’s humbling.
To read the rest of Ashley’s interview, be sure to visit
[New Post] Ashley Greene Talks Tom Felton In New MTV Interview…
A very wise and humbe Lady,I’d say!
With Love,
That was so sweet of her. Love Ashley Greene 🙂
I think Ashley’s rights only in the fact that very few actors get to be part of this experience. And fans of both a lot quite a lot, I would even say very much.
With Love,
w7P1zM THX that’s a great answer!
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