“White Other” Has Gary Wondering About Tom Felton’s Life Beyond The Potter Films

Thanks Dan Hartley (producer White Other ) for the link to this interesting article by Gary Hamrick.

I may catch some flack over this but I quite frankly don’t care. I’ve a lot of admiration for the Harry Potter movies. I’m not a huge fan of the books (though I’ve borrowed them from family and read them) but I have to admire the movies. Why? Simple: the casting.

The movies have managed to pull in some of the best UK actors out there and leave some other UK actors wishing they’d been called in to do it. Many of these actors are recognizable faces but were not necessarily household names before the movies. Sadly enough, some of the actors will still probably be known better to American audiences by the character played in the movie rather than their real name.

With that said, I was sitting here watching a short film the other day with two of the actors from the film. The first was actor Tom Felton, best known as Draco Malfoy from the series and the other being Imelda Stauton, who played the ever creepy Dolores Umbridge. The movie was called White Other. It’s a short about the aftermath of a gang attack in a London suburb. It’s currently being submitted to festivals and I understand that it was submitted to The Atlanta Film Festival. (Maybe we will get to see it here soon.)

It was odd but refreshing seeing Felton and Stauton in non-Potter roles. It also reinforced a thought that had occurred to me about the kids on the Potter series. Some of these kids have quite a bright future ahead of them if they don’t go and screw it up.

More importantly, school has been in session for these kids not just from the context of their roles as Hogwarts students but also as a younger generation of actors learning from some of the best of the older generation. I mean can you imagine being a child actor on set and getting to learn from an actor like Bogart, Bacall, Hepburn, or Brando? What about Deniro, or Pacino? For a lot of kids these days, it might be getting to learn from Johnny Depp. You get my point, though.

So that got me thinking. And I would love some input and feedback from of the ZombieCat readers. What do you think the future holds for the kids from the Harry Potter films? Here are a few notes of my own. Some might sound ridiculous but who knows, stranger things have happened.

Tom Felton – I think he will be one of the breakout stars from the series in the sense that he will get a lot of good roles. A lot of these roles will be “the heavy” for a few years but I suspect he will emerge from that and have quite an interesting career.

Click here and read Gary Hamrick’s thoughts about Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and Daniel Radciffe.

3 thoughts on ““White Other” Has Gary Wondering About Tom Felton’s Life Beyond The Potter Films

  1. Thank you very much for this article. The film “White Other” really unusual, where there is a widely known Dolores Umbridge, and here she has a very different role. I agree with the line that Tom will get a lot of good roles!

    With Love,


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