Even more pics and video’s of Tom in Paris. I’m starting to feel like I actually attended…
Thanks, Estrella89san!
And from our faithful readers Marie2aline and her friend Miss Theophano…
Thanks, everyone, for being so generous with all your photos and videos. You’re the best!
For even more new photos from these lovely gals, click here!
hehe hi to bola 😆
I want that ducky! 😀
OMG They totally mentioned the rumor about Tom being in Twilight as Riley. I may no speak French, but I understood that much.
that duck’s lucky he got really close to tom lmao 😳
Cute!!! ♥
Looks a bit like the twitter bird 🙂
Looks like a cute ducky! I want him 😀
Aw,the duck is so cute! And it’s even cuter with Tom holding it! 😳 Omg,did you guys see that Draco Malfoy poster? So hot! 😆
It’s like the fans are all cool and collected!
If i went, i would’ve felt nervous, have been shaking, feeling kinda sick and probably would’ve been freaking out!
Holy crap, French in college *finally* paid off! I actually understood the interview questions and, yay, even French reporters are asking about Tom playing in Eclipse. Sweet!
GAWD what i wudn’t do 4 that duck right now. hehehe
haha..wow! jus cant get enough!!! }^] <3 <3
is it a duck, or a bird?? for getting 3rd in mr-elite-twitter-universe???
the duck stand for TWITTER!
“fighting in the toilet!” hahahahahahahaha! nice! thanks girls! 😈
That blue duck intrigued me, too. And thought immediately to Twitter’s bird, although it looks more to a Tweety bird than to a ducky, actually. Thank you all for your generosity. You’ve made not only one day, but my week! Gob Bless You!
With Love,
woowww 😯 he is beautiful. And Fans are so funny ! 😀 😳 😛
cute duck 🙂