We now have video of Tom Felton during the British Comedy Awards show, which aired last night on ITV1. Along with singer Pixie Lott, Tom presented the award for Best Sitcom. In the video, Johnathan Ross asks Tom what he’s going to do after Potter is all done. “Sucking up to JK Rowling in the hopes that she writes another one?” Ross says. LOL!
Thanks to teufdelhuma for posting it and Snatalia and Feltbeats Admin Cazling for letting us know!
[New Post] Video of @TomFelton during British Comedy Awards! http://feltbeats.com/2009/12/13/new-vide…
Tom looks snazzy in a suit. lol. =)
I thought he looked smartest out of all who wre there (not biased at all) 0:)
ALso his hair looks so fluffy! 😀
lolz! fluffy hair…it’s true! 😀
yays for Tom! he did a great job (as usual :)) and like Snatalia said, his hair does looks so fluffy! 😀
Luv ya TONS, Tom!
Your biggest fan, Mkay<3 xxx
Tom looks quite small next to the singer. Lol. I like his suit! 😀
Tom looks awesome as usual <3
Absolutely so British! *lol* If you couldn’t open your eyes after getting out of bed, I assure you that you will, with that!!
6 months to go, and then, it’ll be a wrap…*sigh* Don’t want to think too much about it, nowadays…
With Love,