18 thoughts on “CraigyFerg “breaks in” Tom Felton to the Late Late Show experience

  1. @feltbeats that was the funniest interview haha craigs response to that was even better @TomFelton is great 🙂

  2. This is what I like best about americans: great tease, and no harm done! *lol*

    Thomas witnessed that he knows how to handle such comic language, while remaining very professional and enjoying himself at the same time.


    With Love,


  3. @feltbeats Hey 🙂 do you know a fan adress or any other were I can writhe to Tom? Have a gift for his birthday 😀

  4. Aw, he was nervous but charming and quick witted. He did very well. I think he felt more at ease with Craig than he would have with Letterman or Leno, although I hope he gets to be on with them many times as his fame and recognition grows.

  5. @feltbeats Every time I read @tomfelton’s Craig Ferguson show, I confused it with George Craig, in whom Emma Watson is apparently dating. 😛

  6. haha… yeah… I want to laugh like everyone.. I can’t understand any jokes.. anyway, he’s still cute.

  7. I am shocked that that was his first late night appearance! He really handled it like a pro. He was funny, but still remained humble, professional, and likeable. There are many times that he responded with just the right humor to the host’s humor, making them both look good – which will likely make the host want him back as a guest. Who wouldn’t want someone back as a guest who is funny, engaging and makes you look good as well. That last swear at the end was perfect as it went full circle to what they were discussing at the beginning. GREAT JOB.

  8. Sam, i love reading your comments 🙂 🙂

    My fav bit was the end when he looked really embarrased about the ‘breaks in’ comment and then swore LOL

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