“Felton won” is world-wide trending topic on Twitter as Tom Felton wins first MTV award

After Tom Felton won his first MTV Movie Award for Best Villain (for his portrayal of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies), the phrase “Felton won” has become a trending topic around the world on Twitter!

Thanks to skykingcat:

The MTV Tweet Tracker, showing almost 700 and then 1873 tweets/min when Tom won (AMAZING!):

Thanks to @Jesskat3 for some of the images!

LIVE COVERAGE: Tom Felton at the MTV Movie Awards

Welcome to Feltbeats.com‘s LIVE COVERAGE of Tom Felton at the MTV Movie Awards! We will be watching the event throughout the day and reporting back here. We will add new photos, interviews, important tweets, and more – all from this Live Blog!

If you wish to join the FeltParty, or tell us something that’s happening, you can participate in several ways:

We’d love to hear from FeltFans who are at the event, or fans who are watching from home! Have fun, and good luck to Tom!

Tom Felton’s MTV Awards seat? Found it!

Place holder posters for the stars have been placed throughout the Gibson Amphitheater in LA in preparation for the 2010 MTV Movie Awards. We asked MTV to look for Tom Felton’s seat for us, and they’re working on it:

Feltbeats: @hollywoodcrush Oooh can you find @TomFelton’s seat?? =)

hollywoodcrush: @Dionysius1 @feltbeats we’re going to try to locate Tom’s seat for you– could be a while though 🙂

However, while we’re waiting to see what MTV comes up with, JustJaredJr has now posted a picture of Tom’s seat location! Check out the pictures:

Thanks JustJaredJr!