Reports of Tom Felton filming epilogue scene for “Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows”

A reader reports seeing Tom Felton today in full “older Tom” makeup while filming the final scene for “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” Other Potter actors are also on the scene in their older makeup; check out for a full report.

The Mugglenet reader, Kevin, reported:

Just returned home, after a big surprise I ran into at Kings Cross Station. Apparently there was some shooting for a Harry Potter film, and although we haven’t been able to see the actual filming, I will give you as much information as possible. The entire platform was fenced off, and there was a lot of security to keep the people out. There were dozens of people standing on the nearest bridge, trying to find out what was happening. First I didn’t realize what was going on, until Tom Felton and Dan Radcliffe arrived at the scene, surrounded by security. From that moment everyone realized it was Harry Potter shooting, and all the cell phones appeared.

There was obviously no time to sign people’s books, because they were gone by that. They looked amazing, because … they’d been turned into adults!! They wore cool costumes that seemed to be a combination between a modern business suit and wizarding robes. Dan’s hairdo looked especially cool: the sides were combed backwards, and the front had this ‘old skool’ wave, on one side. He was a little bit wrinkled, and had facial stubble. Tom looked somewhat older, because his hairline was kinda receding, and it was quite colorless. They both had extremely realistic adult faces. There were also some child actors on the scene, so I guess those are their children. They weren’t dressed wizard-ish, for the record. But I haven’t been able to have a good look. For about twenty minutes we’ve been waiting there, but the actors had obviously taken another exit. Oh, and of course, we saw the Hogwarts Express and its thick, white smoke, and there were a lot of extras on the scene, based on what we’ve seen.

This doesn’t have anything to do with Tom Felton, but I’m uploading pictures of the older Harry and Ginny (with their kids) because they are so freaking cool.

I can’t wait to see Scorpius and Astoria!

Thanks and!

Just Jared Jr.: The #FootlooseFelton @MyBrewTube campaign for Tom Felton gaining a lot of attention

Just Jared Jr. has just posted a nice article talking about Tom’s recent appearance at the “Get Him To the Greek” premiere in Las Vegas. They also mention the Twitter campaign started by fans to try to get Tom Felton the part as Ren in the remake of Footloose.

Tom Felton snuggles close to girlfriend Jade Olivia as he attends a screening of Get Him to the Greek held at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas on Thursday night (May 20).

The 22-year-old actor recently got on the phone with MTV to chat about a Twitter campaign that’s gaining a lot of attention: #FootlooseFelton!

Tom shared with the media outlet, “Someone told me about that the other day actually. I was on Twitter and someone told me. There was the hash tag thing, #FootlooseFelton, and I had no idea what it meant at first. But, I mean I put it to the film and stuff. I have heard of it, yeah. It’s maybe not even something I would have done in my previous past but it’s certainly something that I’d love to take on head first. I would love to be in a remake. That would be so cool.”

DO YOU THINK Tom would make a good Ren?

Let Just Jared Jr. know if you think Tom would make a good Ren in Footloose!

Click here and post a comment if you want to see Tom sing and dance in the new movie!

In addition, would like to announce the winners of our #FootlooseFelton tweet contest!

sincollins‎: @mybrewtube Cast @TomFelton in Footloose! If not, his fans’ tears will surely flood the lands. Help us! Guilty conscience? 😉 #FootlooseFelton

TomFeltonInc‎: @MyBrewTube Tom can act, Tom can sing-; So I vote lets see him dance. He can do anything! #FootlooseFelton

TheAless‎: @mybrewtube Heard you’re doing a musical, I’ll give you some advice: Cast @TomFelton! He’s got a great voice, acting and looks! (; #FootlooseFelton

Congrats to all! And thanks to everyone for making the management of Footloose, and the media, aware of our #FootlooseFelton campaign!

Tom Felton to attend “Get him to the Greek” premiere in Las Vegas

If you follow Tom Felton on Twitter, you are probably aware that Tom is currently having a nice little vacation in Las Vegas, Nevada. You may even remember the poignant moment when Tom shared this news with his fans, in a very detailed and insightful way:


But alas, Tom’s trip is not all play and no work, because tonight he is attending the Las Vegas premiere of “Get him to the Greek.” In this new movie staring Jonah Hill and Russel Brand, Tom has a small, but very funny, cameo. Last month, Jonah Hill told the story of how Tom became a part of the movie.

The premiere took place earlier tonight at 6:30 pm inside Planet Hollywood’s Chi Theater.

In addition to the premiere, we have word that Tom was actually interviewed by E! Online’s Ben Lyons for his show The Daily 10. According to Ben’s Twitter account, he and Tom played Blackjack:

I just won some $ playing Blackjack with Tom Felton! @THEDAILY10 #GetBen2TheGreek

Also, Ben commented on his interview with Tom:

I think @tomfelton & @rustyrockets are 2 of the best actors to interview. Funny, professional, and always entertaining. #GETHIMTOTHEGREEK

I think that’s quite a statement from someone who interviews celebrities for a living! 😉

If you find any more photos of Tom in Vegas or of the premiere, please let us know! We will bring them to you as soon as possible!

And keep voting for Tom!

Ways to support Tom Felton for MTV’s Best Villain!

Just a quick post to tell you about some new initiatives we’re launching to support Tom Felton for MTV’s Best Villain.


We’ve created a nice pro-Draco Twibbon which you can add to both Twitter AND Facebook!

Example on Twitter:
Example on Facebook:

Click here to join!


We created a few avatars you can use on LiveJournal, Twitter, etc. to promote the Vote For Tom campaign! Are you an artist yourself? If so, e-mail any avatars, signatures, wallpapers or graphics and we’ll feature it on our Vote For Tom graphics page!

Twitter backgrounds!

We also created a few Twitter backgrounds for you to use!

How to upload one of these images as your Twitter background:

  • Choose a Twitter background from below, and click on it to view full size. Then, download it to your computer (right-click and “save image as” or something like that).
  • Go to and sign in.
  • Click on Settings in the top right menu and then click on DESIGN in the top left menu.
  • Click “Change Background Image” towards the bottom of the page.
  • Click the Browse button to find the image on your computer that you would like to upload to Twitter, and click open. Unclick tile background so that it does not need to repeat.
  • You should change your background color to white or black, to match whichever background you choose.
  • Next click Save Changes at the bottom and this should load your new background.

Sorry for the crotch-shot, that’s just the way WordPress cropped it. Please click on it to see the full-size image. 😉

We’ll have more graphics coming out soon, but I wanted to get you guys some stuff to get started now! =) Thanks everyone!