Tom was with his girlfriend Jade on vacation in Florida last month and visited at this time also the Universal Orlando Resort Theme Parks. Thanks Wolfcanine, we now have a video from their ride in the Hulk Coaster at the Universal’s Islands of Adventure park. Tom sits with Jade in the second row and Wolfcanine (Lucia) with her father in the third row.
Category Archives: Misc’s 2010 Year In Review
Now that we are steaming ahead in 2011, we want to take one last look at the happenings of 2010 and what a great year it was for Tom Felton and We have compiled a list of our Top 10 Tom stories last year so here we go!
10. Fan Conventions
There were plenty of Fan Conventions in 2010, some attended by Tom, some not, but all featuring members!

As you all know, Tom couldn’t make it to Ring*Con in Bonn, Germany due to shooting “From the Rough” in New Orleans, Louisiana. Still I was there to represent and it was great.
Thanks to TomFeltonEU for uploading the videos of Tom at the autograph session and at the opening of the event.
9. New Projects
2010 was Tom’s busiest year yet with in addition to the end of Harry Potter fiming, a whole slew of new projects were announced such as The Apparition, From The Rough, Caesar: Rise Of The Apes, and White Other

8. Comic-Con
Tom was give the honour of presenting the newest Harry Potter Part 1 trailer at the 2010 Comic-Con International and attended a round table discussion with and other Harry Potter sites.

Thanks to reporter Amy_Marie97, we’ve got this wonderful interview with Tom at ComicCon. In the interview, Tom gives more details about upcoming projects.
Our real excuse for posting this video was so we could go “hey, we found new photos of Tom at San Diego’s Comic Con.” But in actuality, it’s because the video PopCandiesTV has of Tom being screamed at by fans as he left the event was just too cute not to share.
Tom started the year by making a very gracious donation to the HP Alliance’s auction for relief in Haiti.

6. Late Night TV
Tom had the pleasure of touring the late night television circuit with visits to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and an appearance on the George Lopez show!
Tom Felton’s appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno is now fully online in two parts. In the second part you can see the clip from Malfoy Manor where Draco is faced with a disfigured Harry.
Thanks to JustJaredJr, we now have video of Tom Felton during his interview on the George Lopez show.
After the high-pitched screams that greeted Tom when he went on stage, George Lopez remarked that never before has he had a guest which elicited such a huge reaction from the crowd. Amazing!
He also has some fun with Tom – and we get to see Tom’s golf swing!
5. Tom’s 23rd Birthday
Fans gathered to talk with about the charismatic Tom Felton as his 23rd birthday approached. Watch as we speak with fans young and old along with a few close friends, in particular James and Oliver Phelps, before sticking around to see the surprise we have in store for the birthday boy.

Six String Production now have an account on YouTube and on MySpace. There you can listen to Tom’s songs, before you buy the songs on Additional can you read the lyrics of the songs “If You Could Be Anywhere” and “All I Need” on YouTube.
Six String Production published photos of various Tom Felton ‘If You Could be Anywhere’ merchandise, you can buy only at their website. You’re able to choose between a bag, mugs, shirts and hoodies.
3. Grand Opening Of The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter
In June, we had the long awaited opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Tom, his co-stars, and many members of were in attendance:
From the press conference at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, we now have photos and video taken by our own BSerLori of Tom, his co-stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, the Phelps twins, that Bonnie girl, Michael Gambon, Warwick Davis, and Matt Lewis, the producers of the film and the heads of Universal Orlando.
From copious media attention, I’m sure that you’ve no doubt gathered that last week was the much anticipated grand opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida. While Feltbeats set up a Live Coverage Feed of what was going on in Orlando, we also had Feltbeats Army members there at the scene. Meanwhile, here’s what happened in other news:
Here is another submitted Feltbeats report from June’s opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. In this report, we are given those first hand accounts of all the shops and delicious park treats you can only find in Hogsmeade, an extra special treat graciously given by a park worker in the Gryffindor Common Room, and an in-seat video of the ride immortalizing our own Tom Felton, the Forbidden Journey. Not to mention a short clip of Tom riding one of the park’s rides, himself.
2. Harry Potter Promotional Extravaganza

Thanks to premierepictures, we now have new photos of Tom at the premiere of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” in London. You can see all the new photos in our gallery.
Next we saw Tom make his way to the States for the US Deathly Hallows Premiere in NY! was once again on the red carpet for the North American Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Premiere. Here is our coverage of Tom Felton talking to us!
Tom’s spoken with many news outlets in the past few days as his HP Promotional Extravaganza continues. For those of you that missed his AP interview from the red carpet, we have that for you below, along with another clip from his visit with MTV, a revealing vacation interview with Central Florida On Demand, and one more fan video of Tom doing what he does best – pleasing the masses.
Thanks MTV we now have a high quality clip of Tom Felton winning his first MTV Movie Award.
We also have a lot of new pictures of Tom, which you can see in our gallery. MTV Movie Awards 2010
As to be expected, interviews with Tom are making their way online in regards to Tom’s win, and all of them are quite favorable towards our favorite villain.
As promised, Tom Felton has delivered to us (from his new iPhone, no doubt!) a video thanking his fans for voting for him as Best Villain (in his role as Draco Malfoy) in the MTV movie awards. During the MTV competition, thousands of Tom’s fans from around the world rallied together to promote and vote for Tom – and we were all rewarded when Tom won!
Well that wraps up our look back at 2010. For more highlights that didn’t make our Top 10, check our our 2010 Wrap-up newsletter at We hope you enjoyed last year and look forward to a wonderful 2011 for Tom Felton and!
Tom Felton and Ashley Greene are not sure: Who would win – Harry or Edward ?
Today, published an article in which Tom Felton and Ashley Greene compare ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Twilight’ notes.
‘We would debate who would actually win out of Edward Cullen and Harry Potter,’ jokes Felton, who co-stars with Greene in ‘The Apparition.’
It goes without saying that the fan communities surrounding “Twilight” and “Harry Potter” are sizable. Ginormous, even. And while many Twilighters are also Potter-heads, when asked to choose a side in the always-loaded debate of “Who would win in a fight: vampires or wizards?” the conversation can get heated, to say the least.
Luckily for fans of both franchises, they’ll have something to cheer about and support together when “The Apparition” is released later this year. The film stars not one, but two fan favorites: “Twilight” star Ashley Greene and “Potter” alum Tom Felton.
Coincidentally, both actors made MTV News’ 11 for ’11 stars-to-watch list, and when we caught up with them recently, we asked if the co-stars talked about “Twilight” vs. “Potter” fans or compared notes about being in highly popular film franchises.
“Not so much comparing the fans as acknowledging how incredible they are,” Greene said. “We are both so lucky to be a part of franchises that have ignited such a passion in young people. Very few actors get to be a part of that experience, so it’s humbling.”
A very sweet and sincere response from Greene, which was appreciated. But Felton gave us more of the playful angle we hoped for.
“Oh yeah, we had lengthy debates,” Felton said of his and Greene’s “Potter” vs. “Twilight” chats. “We actually spent most evenings, instead of rehearsing lines we would debate who would actually win out of Edward Cullen and Harry Potter. It’s still ongoing. We haven’t settled it,” he joked.
“No, I jest,” he admitted. “We’re both very proud of our work for our franchises, so to speak, and it was nice to be the first film that really collaborates them together. It’s a very cool thing to be a part of.”
Feltbeats Army Member Raffles Tom Felton Portrait For Queensland Flood Relief
Feltbeats Army Member, and Australia native @Rotae is raffling one of the amazing Tom Felton portraits that she has drawn, to raise money for flood victims in Queensland. A talented artist, she is the creator of our very own Feltbeats logo. More info from Rotae:
Over the past week flooding has absolutely devastated the southern part of the state of Queensland, Australia. 75% of Queensland has been declared a disaster zone, an area twice the size of Texas and over five times the size of the United Kingdom.
The Queensland Government has launched an appeal to help fellow Queenslanders affected by the recent floods. Many communities have been devastated. Some families have lost everything.
In the hopes of helping out, I’m raffling off a portrait I drew of Tom Felton for his 22nd Birthday in 2009 with all proceeds going to the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal.
You can donate any amount. Any monetary donation up to $5 will receive one number in the draw, and donations up to $10 will receive two, with the numbers going up in $5 increments. Both Australian and US $ are accepted as they’re basically the same thing at the moment anyway. I decided to do a raffle as opposed to an auction as now people can donate whatever they have to spare.
As you can see, it doesn’t go right to the edges of the page and sorry about the reflections off the picture, LOL. I’ll be cutting the binding area off too
As the appeal is not currently listed on any charity websites, I’m accepting payments and will be depositing all donations directly through my account – I’ll be posting screenshots of the transfer when it’s done. My email address is Please make sure to put what name you wish to be acknowledged with in the notes if it’s different to your payment name.
The raffle is open for one week starting as soon as this post is up, so we’ll say until Thursday the 20th of January 18:00 AEST.
Thank you in advance for your support and generosity. Please share this wherever you feel appropriate.
If you would like a chance to win this beautiful portrait of Tom Felton, please donate. Thanks 🙂