Thanks to our good friends at Our Dearest Tom, we have another video to share with you of Tom, this time from the press junket portion of his whirl-wind Japanese tour for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
According to their website:
Here is Tom’s another interview in “Hiruobi”(TBS:Tokyo Broadcasting System Television).
He is asked about:
1.How much have you grown since the first film?
2.What would you like to do if you could use magic?
3.What are the points to see in the latest film?
Thanks to Estrella89san for the linkage.
er ist echt super schön^^
I Wanna be that girl thats hugging him 🙁 😳
Well… Maybe there will be a day it will hapen 😉
Bye Bye
Me , Bianca from the Netherlands/Holland
Bloody Hell this iss amazziinngg i cant understand a thing lmao ;] aahh tomm =]
^^^^^^im fromm West Virginiaa^^^^
did u see his “caught in the head light” look..wat wud he really had done if he knew magic..makes u wonder.he had that naughty boy look on his face..adorable..wish him all the luck and best wishes
there is.
“lordy, lordy, lordy.” best line he said in the interview. lol XD
He is so amazing! I am so totally in love with him!
“Physically?…Up here. And voice was probably up here…”
Brings back nice memories of the small cute Tom 🙂
I’ll never grown tired of the Japanese videos. Feels like to be back over there. When I saw him gesturing added to whistling at the same time, I got strongly recalled that I’m used to do rely on akind fashion, when I want to get a point across. Gets on my mother’s nerves, sometimes… 😆
With Love,
I don’t understand what he says but he looks so … unbelievable great!
Everybody asks about his physical changes…:) He didn’t seem to be as freaked out as he was when that guy asked him about it… I can’t blame them for asking, we all can see that he’s hot! 😛
Same here. I wanna be the girl hugging him! 🙁 x
Me too! 😥
Hahaha, this was awesome!!
Anyone know how tall Tom is now?
^ we totally need to that lisa someone tell us!!!
yea and i so want to be that girl hugging tom like everybody else here at felbeats haha 😀
i loved the deer in the headlight look as he got asked wat he’d do if he really knew magic lol 😉
Holy moly… *everything* this guy wears looks to be the absolute definition of coolness. The plaid shirt… looks great! It *has* to be the way he carries himself. Anyway… Tom, please keep it up… or keep listening to Jade, if she’s the one telling you to wear this stuff, because you totally look great.
how come he’s handsome all the time:)
I read that he’s 185 cm tall. I don’t know is it true, it was in the Finnish Wikipedia.
I have to agree!
OMFG………….I LOVED it when he said ”lordy,lordy,lordy” , it just made my day ….aahahhhhhh I LOVE U SO MUCH TOM !!!! I love everything about Tom 😀 he is soo cute, adorable and soo nice 😀 i loved all his answers to the questions…and dayummm he looks so damn good 🙂 I love his style 😉 his girlfriend has an awesome fashion sense 🙂 *cheers* and so does he 😉 COME TO CANADA AGAIN PLEASE !!!!!!!!!
totally didn’t understand a bunch but funny funny!
good whistle he did there though!
LOL the Japanese do the BEST interviews! So colourful and loud. Awww the slow motion hug at the end. What did he mean by “That’s the censored version of what I’d do anyway…?” !!
i wanna be Jade. but hey! i can dream can i?