A small interview with Tom Felton has appeared in Germany’s BRAVO Magazine. Thanks to Trixi for pointing it out to us, and Feltbeats.com Reporter Estrella89san for the translation. To read the article in its original German, click here.
His two faces!
Absolutely bad or fully nice? BRAVO explains to you how “Harry Potter” star Tom Felton ticks!
He is the absolute villain! As Draco Malfoy, he made Harry Potter’s life in Hogwarts hell. However, in real life Tom Felton (21) is not bad at all: “I would describe myself as friendly, polite and charming,” says the actor about himself. But the “Potter” fans often do not recognize this: “If fans visit us on set, and I arrive, they get empty faces and don’t want to even shake my hand,” he laughs. “But I see this as a compliment.” For years Tom was afraid, by the way, of getting a girlfriend because of his role as bad Draco: “I thought really, this has destroyed all my chances.” But he was wrong. He found love – and precisely on the “Potter” set: Stunt Secretary Jade Gordon (22). “Now we are since 16 months together.” And together with his girlfriend he goes out for pleasure with one of his best friends – Daniel Radcliffe (20), even though they hate each other like the plague in the films …
Would going out with Dan and Tom be anything but pleasurable?
Thanks for posting!
I love the photo;P
love the pic! but it isn’t a long article … 🙁
Wish I Was Going Out With Tom Felton Like And I Dont Think The Way Other People Think. I Always Think If The Actor Can Do A Really Good Charater Such As Draco And Everyone Thinks Tom Is Just Like Draco Then It Shows That Tom Has Done A Really Good Job. (Well Done Tom) But I Still Wish I Was Going Out With Tom IT Would Be Great And Before People Says It Isnt Coz He Has Money It Coz I Like Him For Who He Is And Not What He Does
Love Him Loads
(Im He Biggest Fan Ever)
x x x
Really? Oh, My Goodness!
I never would have guessed this was the background story behind it all!
All I’ll add is this: may it last, may the magic from the Potter set that brought you together doesn’t fade away, Tom…
With Love,
didnt know jade was from hp too. wow love on set, how absolutely romantic. hmmm tom and dan, fun? YES PLEASE!! How can i get in on it. Love to experience what a night out with those two would be like.
I wanted to buy them Bravo! to myself, however, I have to me only the ONE Special
well there, he described himself as “charming”! XD
Poor Tom! I’ll do even better than shake his hand if I ever meet him, I’ll give him a hug xD he deserves it lol
very short article… 🙁 nothing new in it
but tom’s right, he definitely IS charming and polite 😉
btw, the translation isn’t that good, is it?
don’t wanna complain, but it sounds like “german” english
That’s so cool! I can’t believe fans won’t even say hi though! I would be like OMG HI HI HI I LOVE YOU! =)
hey tom its kaitlyn again!love everything about you.and once again i must annoy with the question of will you come to chattanooga tennessee.ive told you that it sounds so redneck from the north but we are very nice people who cant stop fishing the old way and intrested in the world not our own country!i wish you would at least think about it.did you know that TN is the home of the guitar?tom im telling you that you will fall in love with tennessee!PLEASE IM TELLING YOU TOTAL TRUTH!
…should i send him a copy of Stephen King’s Misery? 😉
(As a little warning of really Really REALLY enthusiastic fans. 😀 )
hhahhaahha U sld Definietly do that, Hope he likes the Author, i know i DO 😀
I AM like relli relli crazy about him, i like nominated him a lot of times :p i wrote like a huge paragraph why he sld be nominated 😉
girls go crazy for tom i can’t believe he thinks its hard to get a girl! alot of girls like a bad ass and even though he’s not one we like that
guy that he is!!
That is definitely a fantastic winning combination!
hhahhaahha U sld Definietly do that, Hope he likes the Author, i know i DO 😀
I AM like relli relli crazy about him, i like nominated him a lot of times :p i wrote like a huge paragraph why he sld be nominated 😉
He did absolutely Fantastic actng in HP6, and he deserves the same as the others…coz he has been acting for the same period of time as Emma, Dan and Rupert, and he works hard too !!!!!!!! And he described himself so well, he is charimg and polite 😀 dey r perfect words, and poor thing he thought he wont get a gf coz of his character 🙁 aawwwiee !! And if i met him i would like shake his hands, say hi like million times, ask questions and HUG HIM like atleast more den 5 or 10 TIMES !! he is sooo adorable 😀 Jade seems like a relli nice girl, love is in the air at Hogwarts 😉 , aka Harry Potter set 😀
hhahhaahha U sld Definietly do that, Hope he likes the Author, i know i DO 😀
I AM like relli relli crazy about him, i like nominated him a lot of times :p i wrote like a huge paragraph why he sld be nominated 😉
He did absolutely Fantastic actng in HP6, and he deserves the same as the others…coz he has been acting for the same period of time as Emma, Dan and Rupert, and he works hard too !!!!!!!! And he described himself so well, he is charimg and polite 😀 dey r perfect words, and poor thing he thought he wont get a gf coz of his character 🙁 aawwwiee !! And if i met him i would like shake his hands, say hi like million times, ask questions and HUG HIM like atleast more den 5 or 10 TIMES !! he is sooo adorable 😀 Jade seems like a relli nice girl, love is in the air at Hogwarts 😉 , aka Harry Potter set 😀 Hanging out wid Dan and Tom wld be so Awesome and like a DREAM COME TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *NO LIE*
Nicely said! I love Tom and I know if I could I’d so date him! Jade is incredibly fortunate!!! 😀 x x x
Jade is lucky. I know that Tom is a great guy. I just know it. Looking foward to the DH! Tom is a great actor, and i love what he do. xxx
Maybe in England women are different than here in America or any place else. I remember when he said that he had a hard time getting a girlfriend. But that’s all changed now. 🙂
It’s a funny and sweet article … maybe in the next time there are many more articles about Tom in the BRAVO … I’m just a little bit to old for the Teenager-Magazine, but now I have a look every Wednesday in 🙂